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List of conversion stocks (part 2) [List of stocks converting with Parabolic Signals]
○ List of stocks that have switched to Sell Market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <1515> Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal 5650 6010 <1780> Yamauura 1268 1313 <1852> Asanuma Corporation 6726 89 <1961> Sanki Engineering 3355 3515 <1968> Taihei Electric 4835 5140 <2108> Sugar Beet 2372 2430 <2130> Members 1229 1290 <2217> Morozov 1
Anritsu Corporation Holds Off on Treasury Stock Purchase
Anritsu, Iwai Koss Corp has upgraded its rating by two levels to 'A'.
Iwai Khosmo Securities has raised its investment rating for Anritsu <6754.T> from "B" (the middle of a five-point scale) to "A" (the highest level) as of the 3rd. The Target Price has been increased from 1,200 yen to 1,650 yen. This reflects an appreciation of the recovery outlook for the communications measurement business. Provided by Wealth Advisor Co.
Rating information (investment decision changes - part 2) = Shin-Etsu Chemical, Anritsu, ETC.
◎Okasan Securities (3 levels: Bullish > Hold > Bearish) Shin-Etsu Chemical <4063.T> -- "Bullish" to "Hold", 6300 yen to 5100 yen ◎Iwai Cosmo Securities (5 levels: A > B+ > B > B- > C) Anritsu <6754.T> -- "B" to "A", 1200 yen to 1650 yen ◎CLSA Securities (3 levels: HC outperform > outperform > Hold > underperform > HC underperform) Kansai Paint <4613.T> -- "Hold" to "outperform"
Rating [Securities company ratings]
Upgrades - Bullish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous Current -------------------------------------------------------- <6754> Anritsu Iwai Cosmo "B" "A" <8952> JRE CLSA "Hold" "Outperform" <4613> Kansai Paint CLSA "Hold" "Outperform" <4452> Kao Jefferies "Hold" "Buy" Downgrades - Bearish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous Current -------
<Rating Change Observation> Kao upgraded, Yaskawa Electric downgraded, ETC.
◎New and Resumed - ◎Upgraded Kao <4452.T> -- The US-based company upgraded to the highest tier of three levels. Kansai Paint <4613.T> -- The foreign company is at the second tier of five levels. Anritsu <6754.T> -- The domestic major company is at the top tier of five levels (two-tier upgrade). J Real <8952.T> -- The foreign company is at the second tier of five levels. ◎Downgraded Shin-Etsu Chemical <4063.T> -- The domestic major company is at the middle of three levels. Yaskawa Electric <6506.T> -- The domestic major company is at the middle of five levels. Rohm <6963.T> -- The domestic major company is at the middle of three levels.