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Stocks such as Juishi HD [Interesting stocks based on changes in Volume].
Closing price of the stock compared to the previous day Volume *<6769>* Zain 1041150560300 *<1595>* NZAMJ REIT 174114149480 *<2033>* KOSPI Bull 1068085561 *<1625>* Electric Precision 384502502240 *<3467>* Aggre City D 18304867800 *<1514>* Jujitsu HD 813661930400 *<7351>* Good Patch 5762088000 *<5136>* tripla 2085400375
Spot information on individual stocks (1)
National Guarantee <7164.T> has risen for three consecutive days. It announced an upward revision of its performance and Dividends plan for the current fiscal year ending in March. Aoun <2459.T> is at the limit up, following the conclusion of a Business matching contract with Alibaba. Aggre City <3467.T> reached a new high since last year. The consolidated operating profit Financial Estimates for the current fiscal year has been increased from 2.27 billion yen to 2.52 billion yen (a 56.6% increase compared to the previous period). Zain <6769.T> is at the limit up. The optical semiconductor technology "ZERO EYE SKEW" for AI (Artificial Intelligence) optical computing.
Zain and others continue to rank, successfully developing key Technology in optical Semiconductors.
Zain <6769> is ranked (as of 14:32). It's at the daily limit up. The company has announced the successful development of 'ZERO EYE SKEWTM', a key Technology for optical Semiconductors that achieves data transmission for data servers with ultra-low power consumption and low latency. By applying this Technology to VCSEL-driven optical Semiconductors, it becomes possible to reduce power consumption by 80% and latency by 90% during ultra-high-speed 2TB/s Communications, enabling high-density and low-cost data communication for AI optical computing.
Stocks hitting the upper and lower limits before the market.
■ Price limit up <218A> Liberaware <5136> tripla <5721> S-Science <6085> Architects Studio Japan <6769> Zain Electronics <9743> Tanseisha ■ Price limit down * Includes temporary price limits (indicative prices).
Volume change rate ranking (9 AM) ~ Yamaha, DWTI, ETC are ranked.
In the ranking of Volume change rates, comparing the average Volume over the last five days and the Volume on the distribution day allows us to understand market participants' interests such as trends in stock selection. ■ Top Volume Change Rates [As of February 6, 9:32] (Comparison of recent 5-day average Volume) Stock Code Stock Name Volume 5-Day Average Volume Volume Change Rate Stock Price Change Rate <8107> Kimuratan 19535000 107185.08 238.83% 0.4117% <4978> Rip
THine Electronics To Go Ex-Dividend On December 29th, 2025 With 15 JPY Dividend Per Share
February 6th (Japan Standard Time) - $THine Electronics(6769.JP)$ is trading ex-dividend on December 29th, 2025.Shareholders of record on December 31st, 2025 will receive 15 JPY dividend per share.