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List of convertible stocks (Part 5) [List of stocks with Parabolic Cigna Corp signals]
○List of stocks transitioning to Sell Market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Tokyo Main Board <6616> Trex Co. 1258 1322 <6644> Ohsaki Electric 8248 75 <6718> Aihon 2668 2748 <6741> Nisshin Signal 9079 24 <6763> Teito Engineering 2471 2570 <6768> Tamura Manufacturing 5355 62 <6770> Alps Alpine 1571 1650 <6787> Meiko 70807
Japan Aviation Electronics Industry To Go Ex-Dividend On March 28th, 2025 With 30 JPY Dividend Per Share
March 27th (Japan Standard Time) - $Japan Aviation Electronics Industry(6807.JP)$ is trading ex-dividend on March 28th, 2025.Shareholders of record on March 31st, 2025 will receive 30 JPY dividend
China is promoting the growth of the commercial space industry.
[Space Business] China is reportedly promoting the growth of the commercial space industry to narrow the gap with Elon Musk's U.S. space development company, SpaceX. At least six Chinese-made rockets are designed with reuse in mind and are expected to make their first flight within the year. The Chinese government and local governments are injecting billions of dollars into private companies. <7203> Toyota <7721> Tokyo Instrument <2359> Core <3004> Shin-ei <3401> Teijin
Express News | [Change Report] Japan Electricity reported an increase in the Shareholding ratio of Japan Aviation Electronics Industry (6807.JP) to 31.93%.
Nippon Electric Glass, Japan Post Insurance, ETC (Additional) Rating
Upgraded - Bullish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous Changed After ---------------------------------------------------------- <6807> Wireless Electronics Macquarie "Neutral" "Outperform" Target Price Change Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous Changed After ---------------------------------------------------------- <3349> Cosmos Pharma
Rating information (investment determination changes - part 2) = Airline electronics, Sega Sammy ETC.
◎Macquarie Capital Securities (Three-tier: outperform > neutral > underperform) Aviation Electronics <6807.T> — "Neutral" → "Outperform", 2,600 yen → 3,400 yen. ◎CLSA Securities (Three-tier: HC outperform > outperform > hold > underperform > HC underperform) Sega Sammy Holdings <6460.T> — "Outperform" → "HC Outperform", 3,600 yen → 3,800 yen.