The company was founded on April 6, 2005. Its main business is the R&D, production and sales of orthopedic medical devices. Its main products include orthopedic implantable medical devices and orthopedic surgical instruments. In the field of orthopedic implantable medical devices, the company is one of the leading enterprises with a complete product line, leading scale, and strong market competitiveness, and has the largest market share among domestic orthopedic manufacturers. The company has achieved comprehensive coverage in the field of orthopedic medical devices. Its main products cover fields such as spine, trauma, joint, sports medicine, bone repair materials, neurosurgery, tissue repair, and orthopedic surgical instruments. The company's main products: spinal implant medical devices, vertebroplasty systems and minimally invasive spinal dynamic and display equipment, intervertebral foramen equipment, locking plate systems, intramedullary nail systems, hollow screw systems, external fixation brace systems, hip prosthesis systems and knee prosthesis systems, cruciate ligament reconstruction systems, meniscus repair systems, arthroscopy equipment systems, sports trauma systems, bone cement, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) preparation kits and negative pressure drainage kits during orthopedic surgery Used instruments, tools, etc.