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Kangxi Communications (688653.SH): The revenue from Wi-Fi 7 will continue to account for an increasing proportion of the main Business revenue in 2025.
On February 18, Gelonghui reported that Kangxi Communications (688653.SH) disclosed an investor relations activity record indicating that the company's Wi-Fi 7 customers are gradually increasing their purchase volumes. These include customers such as TPLink, ZTE, Tenda, Ruijie, and Xiaomi, whose procurement volumes are growing rapidly. The company's current Orders in main Business are significantly higher than in previous years. The management predicts that by 2025, the revenue from Wi-Fi 7 will continue to rise as a proportion of the main Business income, becoming a key driver of performance growth in 2025.
Kangxi Communications (688653.SH): A cumulative repurchase of 0.49% of shares.
Gelonghui, February 13 - Kangxi Communications (688653.SH) announced that as of February 13, 2025, the company's current share repurchase plan has been completed and the repurchase period has ended. The company has cumulatively repurchased 2,088,543 shares through centralized bidding, representing 0.49% of the total share capital of 424,480,000 shares. The highest transaction price for the repurchase was 16.10 yuan/share, the lowest price was 11.75 yuan/share, the average repurchase price was 14.36 yuan/share, and the total amount of funds paid was 30,000,641.37 RMB (excluding stamp duty).
There's Reason For Concern Over Kangxi Communication Technologies (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.'s (SHSE:688653) Massive 30% Price Jump
Kangxi Communication Technologies (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.'s (SHSE:688653) 13% Gain Last Week Benefited Both Individual Investors Who Own 52% as Well as Insiders
Kangxi Communication (688653.SH): A total of 0.1279% of shares have been repurchased.
On February 5, Gelonghui reported that Kangxi Communication (688653.SH) announced that as of January 31, 2025, the company had repurchased a total of 543,063 shares through the trading system of the Shanghai Exchange using a centralized bidding trading method, which accounts for 0.1279% of the company's total share capital of 424,480,000. The highest purchase price was 14.50 yuan per share, the lowest was 11.75 yuan per share, and the total amount paid was 6,640,663.04 yuan (excluding stamp duty, trading commissions, and other transaction fees).
Kangxi Communications 2024 Annual Results Forecast