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Stocks that moved the previous day part1: Metaplanett, Eltes, Japan Steel, etc.
Stock name <Code> Closing price on the 19th ⇒ Change from the previous day Meta Planet <3350> 2295 +301 Total of 1.7 billion 50 million yen worth of bitcoin was purchased additionally. AI Fusion Capital Group <254A> 1092 +83 announced a share buyback with a limit of 1.4% of total issued shares. Morinaga Confectionery <2201> 2700 +108.5 announced the implementation of a share buyback utilizing ASR. Kringl <4884> 904 +124 applied for permission for "Type 1 pharmaceutical manufacturing and sales".
List of cloud breakout stocks (Part 1) [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Cloud Breakout Stock List]
○ Cloud breakout stock list market Code Stock name Closing price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Stock Exchange main board <1605> INPEX 2041 2038.5 2019.5 <1888> Wakuchiku Construction 3510 3506.25 3391 <1963> JGC HD 1308 1267.75 1166 <2270> Snow Brand Meg 2779 2697.25 2676.5 <2462> Like 145
Stocks with interesting taste seen from the volume change such as Cellseed.
Stock closing prices compared to the previous day volume * <9557> Aircro 4004 1870000 * <2483> Translation Center 1917 051100 * <3182> Oisix 1492 2852801200 * <7356> Retty 1510 116000 * <7354> DmMix 2612 4941600 * <4377> OneCareer 4630 630134700 * <9467> Alphapolis 2389 328203300 * <3359> Cotta 3854 0143
Direct Marketing MiX Revises Financial Forecasts Amid Losses
Direct Marketing MiX: Notice regarding the recording of impairment losses and revisions to earnings forecasts
Direct Marketing MiX: Financial results presentation materials for the 3rd quarter of the fiscal year ending 2024/12