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FP Partner Inc. Completes Treasury Share Disposal for Compensation
List of cloud penetration stocks [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - List of cloud penetration stocks]
○ List of stocks breaking above the clouds Market Code Stock Name Ending Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Main Board <1721> Comsys Holdings 3256 3189.5 3242.5 <1879> Shin-Nihon Construction 1580 1574 1531 <1941> Chudenko 3270 3238.75 3247.5 <2153> Eijy Holdings 1669 1634 1667.5 <2220> Kameda Seika 4040 3996.25 401
FP Partner to Open New Financial Consultation Service Branch in Osaka, Japan
FP Partner Inc. Achieves 'KENKO Investment for Health 2025' Certification for Fourth Year
Key stocks: High growth is highly expected after the period ending in November 2025.
FP Partner <7388.T> is rising from a low price range. A full-scale recovery is expected in the future. The market value is around 2,300 yen with a PER of about 13 times, which is considered undervalued. The company operates an Insurance agency business offering Financial Planning (FP) under the "Money Doctor" brand for individuals and corporations. The fact that Television commercials are being Broadcasts is also a strength, contributing to the high recognition of the "Money Doctor" brand.
List of conversion stocks (part 3) [Parabolic Cigna Corp conversion stocks list]
○ List of stocks that have shifted to Sell market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <2590> DyDo 2737 3055 <2594> Key Coffee 20622081 <2760> TOYO Electronics 31303305 <2931> Euglena 476541 <3561> Source of Strength HD 13901426 <4343> AEON Fan 27653115 <4449> Gifty 14141616 <46