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New Charter Technologies Partners With Verus to Strengthen Co-Managed IT Services
Tokyu REIT Discloses Completion of Tenant Move-Out From Aoyama Oval Building
Oval Research Memo (7): Aiming to be Asia's No.1 Sensing Solution Company (3)
As part of the deployment of in-house technology, review the company's Shareholding technology (design and manufacturing) and explore the possibilities for creating new businesses.
Oval Research Memo (6): Aiming to become Asia's No.1 sensing solution company (2)
As a basic Global Strategy of the medium-term management plan, "growth strategy" and "management foundation enhancement strategy" have been established.
Oval Research Memo (5): Aiming to be Asia's No.1 sensing solution company (1)
■ Oval <7727>'s medium to long-term growth strategy 1. Medium to long-term performance plan The company announced its "Medium-term Management Plan 'Imagination 2025'" (from March 2023 to March 2025) in March 2022, along with the underlying medium to long-term management vision. In the long term, aiming to become "Asia's No.1 Sensing Solution Company," by the fiscal year ending March 2032, the goal is to achieve revenue of 20 billion yen, a recurring profit margin of over 10%, and an ROE of 10.0%.
Oval Research Memo (4): The fiscal year ending in March 2025 is expected to be below the previous period's results, but the medium-term management plan is projected to be achieved.
■ Future Outlook for Oval <7727> ● Earnings outlook for the fiscal year ending March 2025 Regarding the future outlook, the situation remains uncertain due to the global rise in prices and domestic demand downturn caused by financial tightening, along with the impact of rising resource and Energy prices and inflation due to yen depreciation linked to the prolonged Russia-Ukraine situation. Additionally, the capital investment of client companies, which significantly affects the group's earnings, appears to have paused its recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.