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List of stocks breaking through clouds (weekly chart) (part 2)
○ List of stocks that broke through the clouds. Market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Main Board <7942> JSP 2185 2171 2059.5 <8101> GSI Creos 2269 2254.75 2194 <8125> Wakita 1686 1629 1490.5 <8345> Iwate Silver 2808 2672 2512.5 <8387> Shikoku Silver 1154 1132.75 1106.
An 'Abnormally' Good Interest Deal in Low-Rates Japan Just Got Canceled
Volume change rate rankings (1 PM) - Hulic, Unichika, etc. are ranked.
In the volume change rate ranking, you can understand the market participants' interests such as trends in trading by comparing the average volume of the recent 5 days with the volume on the delivery day. Highest Volume Change Rate [As of November 28, 13:33] (Comparison of average volume for the past 5 days) Code ⇒ Stock Name ⇒ Volume ⇒ 5-day average volume ⇒ Volume Change Rate ⇒ Stock Price Change Rate <7163> Sumitomo Mitsui SBI Net Bank 626490 283038 0.84 22.48% 0.17% <9424> Japan Communications 728810
List of conversion stocks (Part 3) [List of parabolic signal conversion stocks]
Sell Converted Stocks List Market Code Company Name Closing Price SAR Tokyo Stock Exchange Main Board <7721> Tokyo Keiki 3400 3800 <7817> Parabed 2510 2655 <7944> Roland 3945 4040 <7958> Tenma 2981 3110 <7979> Matsukaze 2053 2134 <7988> Nifco 3673 3799 <8005> Scroll 1043 1068 <8015> Toyota Tsusho
Bank of Iwate: Confirmation letter
Japan's October Headline Inflation Rate Falls, but Economists Still See BOJ Rate Hike on the Table