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Stocks that moved and those that were traded in the front market.
*Tenma <7958> 3115 - MBO implemented, with the TOB price adjusted to 3580 yen. *Mitsubishi Heavy Industries <7011> 2837 +281, European defense-related stocks rising, domestic related stocks also increasing. *Daiichi Hokuetsu FG <7327> 3245 +240, reports of management integration with Gunma Bank have surfaced. *Kioxia HD <285A> 3180 +220, recent IPO stock updating its high, with strong supply and demand appeal. *JACCS <8584> 4100 +260, Mitsubishi UFJ Bank.
The Nikkei average rose significantly by 422 yen, continuing to rise, although there were some heavy moments at the upper levels after the buying rush = the morning session 17 days ago.
Seventeen days ago, the Nikkei average stock price rose significantly by 422 yen and 14 sen to 37,475 yen and 24 sen. The TOPIX (Tokyo Stock Price Index) also increased by 31.77 points to 2,747.62 points, marking its fourth consecutive rise. At 10:22 AM, the Nikkei average reached 37,561 yen and 21 sen, up by 508 yen and 11 sen. In the US stock market on the 14th, the NY Dow rebounded for the first time in five days, and the Nasdaq composite index also rebounded. Regarding the temporary budget of the US federal government that is set to expire on the same day, an extension bill...
List of conversion stocks (part 2) [List of stocks converting with Parabolic Signals]
○ List of stocks transitioning to Sell market Code Name Closing price SAR Main Board <1766> Tokken Corporation 12200 13000 <1899> Fukuda Group 51805590 <1938> Nihon Reetech 14951624 <2120> LIFULL 159167 <2163> Altnar 17431840 <2222> Kotobuki Spirits 23512390 <2378> Renaissance 10881115 <2935> Pick
Jacks, Yamaha and others [List of stock materials from the newspaper]
* JAX <8584> Mitsubishi UFJ Bank adds 39 billion yen in investment, holding 40% voting rights in MUFG (Nikkankogyo, page 3) -○ * Nippon Steel <5401> promotes market formation for 'GX Steel' domestically, advancing the economic valuation of CO2 reduction during manufacturing (Nikkankogyo, page 3) -○ * Yamaha Motor <7272> extends operations at Hamakita Plant until 2031, postponing the completion within this year (Nikkankogyo, page 3) -○ * SoftBank <9434> acquires part of SHARP CORP Sakai Plant for 100 billion yen (Nikkankogyo, page 3) -○ * Toyota Tsusho <8015> 134.4 billion.
Jaccs Co., Ltd. Restructures Leadership to Drive Growth
JACCS Co., Ltd. Forms Strategic Alliance With MUFG Bank