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Okinawa Cellular Telephone: Confirmation letter
Okinawa Cellular Telephone: Half Year Report - Term 34 (2024/04/01 - 2025/03/31)
J Front, NRI, etc. (additional) Rating.
Upgrade - bullish code stock name securities company conventional change after -------------------------------------------------- <1407> West HD Morgan S "Equal W" "Over W" Downgrade - bearish code stock name securities company conventional change after -------------------------------------------------- <7276> Small
Okinawa Cellular, Nomura HD, etc. (additional) Rating
Downgrade - bearish code stock names securities company traditional changes after --------------------------------------- <4506> Sumitomo Farmacity "2" "3" <5423> Tohsei Steel Morgan S "Over W" "Equal W" target stock price changes code stock names securities company traditional changes after ------------------------------------
Okinawa Cellular Telephone: Notice Concerning Dividends from Surplus Funds (Interim Dividend)
Okinawa Cellular Telephone: Financial data for the 2nd quarter (interim period) of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025