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Rating Information (Target Price Change - Part 1) = Matsukiyo Co., Pacific Cement, ETC.
◎Nomura Securities (three stages: Buy > neutral > Reduce) Matsukiyo <3088.T> -- "Buy" → "Buy", 3,400 yen → 3,500 yen JTEKT <6473.T> -- "Buy" → "Buy", 1,400 yen → 1,500 yen TOPPAN <7911.T> -- "Buy" → "Buy", 4,910 yen → 5,180 yen Dainippon Printing <7912.T> -- "Buy" → "Buy", 2,920 yen → 3,050 yen Unicharm <8113.T> -- "Buy".
Hokuriku Electric has sharply rebounded, positively responding to the increase in profit and Dividends Financial Estimates.
Hokuriku Electrical Utilities <9505.T> surged, rebounding for the first time in three days. At one point, it reached 854.9 yen, an increase of 66.1 yen compared to the previous day. After the market closed on the 27th, an upward revision of the financial estimates and dividends for the fiscal year ending in March 2025 was announced and viewed as a buying opportunity. The forecast for consolidated ordinary profit for the full year was raised from 60 billion yen to 85 billion yen (a 21.2% decrease from the previous year). This includes an increase in hydropower and total sales of electricity, along with a reduction in fuel and other expenses. Furthermore, the year-end dividend forecast was revised from the previous 10 yen to 12.5 yen (previous year's actual was 7.5 yen).
Stock News Premium = Renewed interest in nuclear power plant restarts due to new Energy plans - Exploring related Stocks such as maintenance ETC.
On the 18th, the government made a cabinet decision on a new Energy basic plan. For the power supply composition in 2040, the target is to have approximately 20% from nuclear power, maximizing its utilization. The development of next-generation reactors is progressing at nuclear power plants, and there are calls for the restart of suspended reactors. There is a possibility that the restart may advance, and it would be wise to keep an eye on related stocks. <A shift in policy to "maximize the use of nuclear power"> In the newly proposed 7th Energy basic plan, the goal for the power supply composition in 2040 is for renewable energy to account for 4-
Japan Approves New Climate, Energy And Industry Policies Through 2040
France utilizes nuclear power in the AI development competition.
[Nuclear Power] France is reported to be trying to turn the tide in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) race by utilizing its strength in abundant Nuclear Power. The French government is planning a project to supply 1 gigawatt to an AI computing facility using Nuclear Power, with costs expected to reach several billion dollars. <6378> Kimura Kiko <6643> Togami Electric Manufacturing <5631> Japan Steel Works <6370> Kurita Water Industries <6326
List of conversion stocks (Part 2)
○ List of Stocks Converted to Sell Market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <1929> Nichitokuken 1042 1089 <1968> Taiheiyo Electric 46854950 <1975> Asahi Kogyo 21272295 <2060> Feed One 788861 <2109> DM Mitsui Sugar 34153510 <2317> Systema 341363 <262A> Inter-Mestic 21272573 <