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Stocks that moved the previous day part 1 Branding, Makino Milling Machine, Weather News, ETC.
Stock Name <Code> 30-day close ⇒ Compared to the previous day, Polaris HD <3010> 184 +1225 has revised its financial estimates for the fiscal year ending March 2025 upwards. Nagao <6239> 1202 +104 has secured a large order from Screen Internal. Hello's <2742> 4625 +425 reported a positive response to its two-digit profit increase for the third quarter. Palemo HD <2778> 123 -10 has seen a 50.9% decrease in operating profit for the cumulative third quarter. Branding <7067> 1638 +300 Japan Asia Investment <
M&A Research Institute Holdings: Financial Report - 6th Term (2023/10/01 - 2024/09/30)
M&A Research Institute Holdings: Confirmation
M&A Research Institute Holdings: Extraordinary Report
Lion, Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, etc (additional) Rating
Target stock price change code stock name securities company previous changed after --------------------------------------------- <2607> Fuji Oil SMBC Nikko 3800 yen 4200 yen <2802> Ajinomoto SMBC Nikko 6800 yen 7200 yen <4043> Tokuyama Mizuho 3200 yen 3300 yen <4183> Mitsui Chemicals Nomura 4500 yen 4730 yen <4506> Sumitomo Pharma SMBC Nikko 600 yen 650 yen <4552> JCR Pharma
Stocks that moved the previous day part 2: Disco, Kuroganekousakusho, Bouldera etc.
Oka San Securities downgraded its investment rating.