0.00Open0.35Pre Close0 Volume17 Open Interest3.39Strike Price0.00Turnover0.00%IV55.83%PremiumMar 21, 2025Expiry Date0.00Intrinsic Value100Multiplier7DDays to Expiry0.35Extrinsic Value100Contract SizeAmericanOptions Type--Delta--Gamma6.86Leverage Ratio--Theta--Rho--Eff Leverage--Vega
104009453 : Why hasn't the market opened yet?
TheOracleOfBroMaha OP : I’m not entirely sure what you’re asking but if you’re asking why the market hadn’t open when you sent that message because it opens basically about 4 AM Eastern standard time in the US and at the time you asked that question it was 15 minutes to midnight it looks like you had about five hours to go roughly. I hope that is an answer to your question. I’m not sure it is butI hope so