$Asset Entities (ASST.US)$i bought at 0.595 last Fri, just now took the chance to sell at 0.61. made some money but importantly is to protect my capital. if it goes up tonight, no regrets as made a little money, but if it crash tonight, i will heave a sign of relief.
$Asset Entities (ASST.US)$i think this week slow or moving down as Musk confirmed he is not buying Tiktok. So may need some other news to jack it up. else maybe drop below 0.5 could be possible.
$Asset Entities (ASST.US)$been watching this company does not make sense of the market value seems like the price would be a lot higher than it is now it happens to have a great narrative for now in the future to me it seems to be very well manipulated for the time being
After reading your comments,i think it can reach at least 2 dollars soon with the partnership and 9k streamer/influencer that they have. Provided that they would be able to monetize this potential growth.
Asset Entities Stock Forum
Make the dark horse fly
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