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  • 0.000000
  • 0.0000000.00%
15min DelayClose Dec 20 09:30 ET
0Market Cap0.00P/E (TTM)

About BIOAMBER INC Company

BioAmber Inc is an industrial biotechnology company producing renewable chemicals. The company's proprietary technology platform combines industrial biotechnology and chemical catalysis to convert bio-based feedstocks into renewable chemicals that are cost-competitive replacements for petroleum-derived chemicals used in a wide variety of everyday products including plastics, resins, paints, food additives and personal care products. BioAmber produces bio-succinic acid at a facility in Sarnia, Ontario, pursuant to a joint venture agreement with Mitsui. Its products are used in various applications, including polyurethanes, resins and coatings, de-icing and coolant solutions, fine chemicals, lubricants, carpets, engineering plastics and artificial leather products.

Company Profile

MarketPink Market
Fiscal Year Ends12-31

Company Executives

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