Investors question when the "dragging out the answer" game will end; when will Shandong Humon Smelting and Jiangxi Copper resolve their competition in the same industry? | Quick read announcement
① The industry competition issue that attracts significant attention from investors has still not made any "substantial" progress; ② Progress is slow, and investors question whether the company is just "playing a delaying game".
Before the holiday, funds seeking safe havens caused stocks in the Hong Kong metal Sector to decline, with CMOC Group Limited dropping nearly 6%.
① Ahead of the holiday, capital seeking safety caused the Hong Kong stock market's Metals Sector to decline. What Bearish factors may continue to ferment? ② CMOC Group Limited fell nearly 6%, how did Other leading stocks perform?
The planned total investment amount is 5.5 billion yuan. Jchx Mining Management Longxi Copper Mine announces a plan to double production | Quick read announcement.
① The Longxi Copper Mine, acquired by Jchx Mining Management four years ago, may see a doubling in production; ② An investment of 5.5 billion yuan is made to develop the East Mining Area; ③ After reaching full capacity in the East Mining Area, the total output of the mine is expected to reach 0.1 million tons per year.
The expectation of alumina production boosts the market for caustic soda, and the profitability of related listed companies is expected to improve | Industry Dynamics.
① Driven by expectations of downstream Aluminum oxide expansion, on January 7, the Futures Block Orders contract SH2505 for caustic soda reached a high of 3068 yuan/ton, refreshing a nearly one-year high during the trading session; ② Tangshan Sanyou Chemical Industries stated that, supported by the growth in demand for downstream Aluminum oxide and electrolytic Aluminum, caustic soda prices are expected to be running at a high level in 2025.
The two major Block Orders in the Democratic Republic of the Congo have increased production, CMOC Group Limited's 2024 Copper and Cobalt output both increased by over fifty percent year-on-year | Quick Announcement.
① Benefiting from the capacity expansion and increased production of the two major Block Orders mines in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, CMOC Group Limited's main mineral product output achieved overall growth last year; ② Among these, the increases in Copper and Cobalt products were particularly notable, with year-on-year growth rates exceeding fifty percent.
Our country is solidly promoting the action to enhance grain production capacity, and the seed industry is entering a period of intensive policy stimulation.
According to reports, this year, our country has solidly promoted a new round of grain production capacity enhancement actions aimed at increasing grain production by a billion pounds, implementing large-scale yield improvement actions for major crops such as grains and oils, and accelerating the construction of high-standard farmland. The Guosheng Securities pointed out that after 2021, policies represented by the seed industry revitalization plan have been intensively introduced, and the seed industry revitalization policies combined with Transgenic changes have led to an expansion of the Industry and a significant optimization of the landscape, currently entering a period of intensive policy and Transgenic information catalysis.