Recently, many fundamental uses of indicators have been updated, and it seems that popular indicators are still the focus of attention for most people. Therefore, following the crowd's interest, today, I will explain how to use MACD. MACD is known as the "King of Indicators"! However, it has a drawback: a significant lag. Because of this, many people find it difficult to use effectively. The reason is that they haven't grasped the essence of the indicator. The MACD indicator consists of th...
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$TENCENT (00700.HK)$A good time to add some shares for those who doesn't own Tencent. Technically, Tencent is sitting at the trendline which act as a strong support in daily chart. Recent price action suggests that price couldn't break below $392.
MACD is known as the "King of Indicators"! However, it has a drawback: a significant lag. Because of this, many people find it difficult to use effectively. The reason is that they haven't grasped the essence of the indicator.
The MACD indicator consists of th...
$BABA-W (09988.HK)$
$BABA-WR (89988.HK)$
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