The Semiconductor selection includes companies and ETFs in the Philadelphia Semiconductor Index (SOX Index) which is a key indicator for measuring global trends and performance in the semiconductor industry. Changes in the stocks that make up the SOX index reflect the overall trends and opportunities of the semiconductor industry. The SOX index is also used for research and investment in semiconductor ETFs. Refer to the Philadelphia Semiconductor Index (SOX index) for more details.
Every week I will screen for entries. This week I have around 10 entries. Due to limited fund, I need to short list down to maximum 5 entries. So, I will always screen again and analyze the potential trades strictly. This is how I analyze and discard certain trades in my watchlist.
Cag, mchp, klac
1. Although it shows false break, it breaks my uptrend trendline (cag)
2. Noticed that the big candles moving down (1) and follow by smal...
Really makes my toes laugh. This peanut company is so SMART? Like old Aunty always says : Smart will do, Don’t Act MART
Monitor Entry Points:
#GOOG: Wait for pullbacks below $165 if possible.
#Uber: Look for dips around $70.
#ASML: Target dips under $650 if feasible.
stagnation could last a while, if no interest hike and ....
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