Roland, Asics, etc. (additional) Rating
Upgrades - Bullish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous After ---------------------------------------------------- <5803> Fujikura Mizuho "Hold" "Buy" <7181> Japan Post Insurance SMBC Nikko "2" "1" <7186> Concordia City "2" "1" <1878> Daiwa House Daiwa "2" "1" Downgrades - Bearish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous After ---------------------
Mirait One, RIKEN Keiki, ETC.
*Mirait One <1417> collaborates with Sumitomo Mitsui Finance & Lease for the preliminary development of solar power at 0.07 million kW (Nikkan Kogyo, front page) - ○ *Riken Keiki <7734> inspects gas detectors in disaster areas and manufactures maintenance vehicles (Nikkan Kogyo, front page) - ○ *MOL <9104> acquires a Dutch company, establishing a land base for Chemical ships (Nikkan Kogyo, page 3) - ○ *Toyota Motor <7203> suspends operations at 3 factories and 4 lines until this morning due to an explosion incident at Central Spring (Nikkan Kogyo, page 3) - ○ *Mitsui & Co. <8031> a major trading company, iron ore.
List of conversion stocks (part 2) [List of stocks converting with Parabolic Signals]
○ List of stocks for Sell conversion Market Code Stock Name Final Price SAR Tokyo Stock Main Board <1802> Obayashi Corporation 1982 2102 <2579> Coca-Cola BJH23622517 <3048> Bic Camera 16031661 <3088> Matsukiyo 23272407 <3092> ZOZO 44584826 <3193> Eternal G 25792610 <3663> Cell System 1205131
M3, Coca BJH, etc. (additional) Rating
Upgraded - Bullish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous After Change --------------------------------------------------- <3436> SUMCO SMBC Nikko "2" "1" <5947> Rinnai Mizuho "Hold" "Buy" <9983> Fast Retailing SMBC Nikko "2" "1" Downgraded - Bearish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous After Change -------------------------------------
List of stocks breaking through the clouds (weekly chart) (part 1)
○ List of stocks that have broken through the cloud market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Stock Exchange Main Board <1433> Bestera 965 879.25 947.5 <1721> Comsys HD 3242 3071.75 3196 <1873> Japan House HD 3353 26.25 329.5 <1884> Nihon Doro 1929 1666.75 1897.5 <2270> Snow Brand Milk 2663 2594
Risk-averse movements due to the decline in U.S. tech stocks and the appreciation of the yen.
The Nikkei average has significantly fallen for the first time in three days, ending down 817.76 yen at 36,887.17 yen (with an estimated Volume of 1.9 billion 90 million shares), marking the first time since September 18 of last year that it has closed below 37,000 yen in about six months. This decline was attributed to a lack of confidence following the previous day's drop in US tech stocks and the strengthening of the yen, leading to an increase in risk aversion. Although there were moves to buy on dips after breaking below the key 37,000 yen mark, the US is awaiting the release of the February employment statistics, and market participants want to assess the results and the subsequent trends in the US market.
104088143 : nice to
J Servai (JLAPT) : $MIRA Pharmaceuticals (MIRA.US)$
105232125 :
Tonyco : meanwhile, in reality:
104556909 : good