Virtual Reality (VR) is a technology that provides an immersive simulated experience. It includes companies that manufacture and sell hardware, devices and equipment for augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), such as head-mounted displays, gloves, controllers, etc. The recent launch of Apple's vision pro has sparked the interest of investors in VR and AR technology. With the innovation of new VR products, virtual reality will change how we use and develop games, entertainment, education, and healthcare services. As new applications continue to materialize, VR companies will see significant revenue growth, driving their share prices higher.
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73629457 : I’m trying to save. you seem to have been brainwashed… also I dont care if people buy or sell I only care about my choice which is puts I already bought
Ultratech OP 73629457 : yes I'm brainwashed exactly thanks for saving me. I'm sure your intentions are heartfilled. I however on the other hand am a monster i hope your puts burn to zero you deserve it. ppl like you don't last long in stocks you will blow your account.