Hashtags : Rumors about Jessica?
Lalo Salamanca Hashtags : Stacey’s mom
Hashtags Lalo Salamanca : Stacey’s mom is a legend.
DLLM167 : may i know what is rhe rumors?
Stock_Drift : That’s solid!!!
Orenn Graham Flexxx : If it’s following the 2021 chart, I think we will see a lot of $$ for sure
不忘初心方得始终 : it will trigger short covering soon
Imran G : Thx man . Everyday i always wait for your post for me to have a good entry
Stock_Drift OP 不忘初心方得始终 : It will, oh.
Stock_Drift OP Imran G : Thx, YW!! Good luck today!!
Celine Heng : red meaning do not enter? green good to enter?
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不忘初心方得始终 : yes. becos US and Europe will never buy batteries from Asia for military use. so US battery maker will benefit.
CoolJey OP 不忘初心方得始终 : How far can go this counter? 3 bucks?
不忘初心方得始终 : this is a billion dollar company... look at the market capitalization right now.
CoolJey OP : Got chance 4 bucks?
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