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Santa Clause Came and Went Without Bringing Gifts | Weekly Buzz
Friday? More Like Grinch Day | Wall Street Today
Santa Claus Came Without Rallying the Troops | Live Stock
REITs Set for 2025 Rebound Amid Widest Discount Since GFC: Jefferies
Peering Into Equinix's Recent Short Interest
Market Falling Monday, With Few Santa Clause 'Rally' Days Left | Live Stock
Salmon Klein : what's going on today? why such a huge drop? no happy with Trump?
10baggerbamm OP Salmon Klein : this is all interest rate related you've got interest rates selling off which means yields are going up and that's bad for everything that is interest rate sensitive so that's housing. even though this is not a housing ETF it's being lumped in with real estate
Salmon Klein 10baggerbamm OP : should I sell then? I am 10% entry is 12.7
10baggerbamm OP Salmon Klein : that's in drn? need to find how many shares do you have can you sell a covered call against the position