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Liberty Company Secures Strategic $100 Million Funding to Propel Future Growth and Innovation
Express News | Valueact Holdings LP - Anticipate Having Further Discussions With Liberty Media Corp in Connection With Its Investment in Liberty Media
Express News | Valueact Holdings LP - Acquired Liberty Media Corp's Securities Based on Belief That the Securities Were Undervalued
Express News | Valueact Holdings LP Reports 5.5 % Stake in Liberty Media Corp as of Feb 4 - SEC Filing
Why the F1 Partnership Could Be an Earnings Driver for Mattel This Year
Netflix Is Racing to Secure F1 Tournament Rights in the U.S. - Reports
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Paul 1968 : The labor market is not strong, it's election time and they want everything to look good so that they can keep the one's in power right where they are at.
lsk529 :![+1 👍](
![+1 👍](
![+1 👍](
Laine Ford : I will not cut.
Alice Lim choo : good
Alice Lim choo : good
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