Newbee4 : Thanks
Stock_Drift OP Newbee4 : You’re welcome
搞经济 抄底 加仓 : 3 employees
tantan2023 搞经济 抄底 加仓 : How do you know? Is this a stock good or bad for quick money?
搞经济 抄底 加仓 : Omicorn^ after affect i guess. Hope it will be over by January ^2022
chris from queens : it will be over by this week or today actually it's nonsense...
AndhyLee : ok
Сергей Турусов : No, Short Space, 5-7 dollar soon
Сергей Турусов : 125 000 Holders in Russia, only Short to 7 Dollar
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小白菜66 : Why the Moon? Wouldn't it be better to fly out of the galaxy?
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Newbee4 : Thanks
Stock_Drift OP Newbee4 : You’re welcome