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The largest Energy IPO in over a decade! USA LNG company Venture Global seeks a valuation of 110 billion dollars.
According to the documents submitted by Venture Global, the company plans to issue 50 million shares of Stocks at a maximum price of $46 per share, raising up to $2.3 billion. Under Trump's possible New energy Fund policies, LNG developers are expected to be one of the biggest beneficiaries.
A five-month high! Amidst a chorus of bearish voices, oil prices continue to rise.
The market previously widely expected that there would be a significant oversupply in the Crude Oil Product market this year, and that oil prices would remain stable or weaken. However, with the USA announcing a new round of sanctions on the Russian Energy sector, the market outlook became complex, compounded by concerns over Trump's tariff policy, leading to rising oil prices for consecutive days.
Oil at Four-Month High Amid New Sanctions on Russia
"Oil Bull" makes a comeback! With the US, UK, and Japan sanctioning Russia, is a Global Energy storm arising again?
Market Call sentiment returns.
Oil Surges As US Unleashes Toughest Sanctions On Russia's Energy Sector
Oil Prices Pop on Icy Weather, More Sanctions -- WSJ