$LumiraDx (LMDXF.US)$I think the pessimists and bears deep down are rooting for us to prove them wrong. We are on Ron Zwanziger & Roche's timeline not our's. Stay strong we got this 👍
$LumiraDx (LMDXF.US)$@Ryand83 Could not imagine making "7 figure salary" and be stuck non stop posting and watching like a hawk on a "dead" stock Stating they are only watching non stop 24/7 because they like seeing the "mental gymnastics of the delusional out of reality longs" Stating they only deal in " facts"'and they are a professional, yet do not understand basic Cayman law and statutes. That they do not know a thing about how companies can use dissolution as a tool to bypass pay...
Patrick Rawls
Elkaholic25 has followed Dww0311 narrative and mentions tax write-off
$LumiraDx (LMDXF.US)$bears are so vocal on this ticker... whether we're delusional and get nothing or we get a mother load payout if it was worthless they honestly wouldn't be stuck calling us delusional non-stop. Something is up, trolling to get us to react or genuinely curious how this is going to play out. Maybe stuck shorts who actually knows. I just know this better wrap up soon.
Patrick Rawls
Not trying to sat anything, just facts, I don't think it was a glitch like it happened last year also, dipped 16%, now back up MC 280B now MC 281 Seems like bots do their thing like notice you buy a stock and it dipps immediately?
$LumiraDx (LMDXF.US)$@Ryand83 Here is some info on Cayman companies and the courts. Dont let shorts make you think we lost with their superiority talk. Under Cayman Islands law, a dissolved company ceases to exist, but the Grand Court can restore it within two years-or ten with approval (s.159)-if assets or claims persist, while remaining assets vest in the Crown as bona vacantia (s.156) and are held by a liquidator for one year. NDAs can conceal information with judicial approval, wh...
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