US Stock MarketDetailed Quotes

MLGO MicroAlgo

  • 2.950
  • +0.100+3.51%
Close Dec 27 16:00 ET
  • 2.860
  • -0.090-3.05%
Post 20:01 ET
29.42MMarket Cap-0.02P/E (TTM)

About MicroAlgo Company

MicroAlgo Inc. Committed to the development and application of customized central processing algorithms. Its services include algorithm optimization, accelerated computing power without the need for hardware upgrades, lightweight data processing and data intelligence services.On December 13, 2022, the name of the company was changed from Venus Acquisition Corp to MicroAlgo, Inc

Company Profile

Company NameMicroAlgo
Listing Date04/13/2021
CEOMr. Min Shu
Fiscal Year Ends12-31
AddressUnit 507, Building C,Taoyuan Street,Nanshan District
Zip Code518052

Company Executives

  • Name
  • Position
  • Salary
  • Min Shu
  • Director and Chief Executive Officer
  • --
  • Li He
  • Chief Financial Officer and Principal Accounting Officer
  • 34.46K
  • Jie Zhao
  • Chairman of the Board
  • --
  • Shan Cui
  • Independent Director
  • --
  • Haixia Zhao
  • Independent Director
  • 287.00
  • Wengang Kang
  • Independent Director
  • 3.92K
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