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What does it matter if clients withdraw their investments? TCW firmly believes that investing in short-term U.S. Treasury bonds will yield returns.
Bryan Whalen of TCW Group Inc. continues to adhere to a trading strategy that has been abandoned by most on Wall Street. He believes that the Federal Reserve's high interest rates will inevitably impact the economy, and when economic growth stagnates, buying short-term US Treasury bonds and shorting CSI Enterprise bond Index will ultimately yield returns as the Federal Reserve accelerates rate cuts. The Chief Investment Officer of TCW's fixed income division stated, "We always label strategies as failures too early; historical experience shows that even if performance is poor in the short term, returns are guaranteed in the long term." Recently, the performance of this strategy has been worsening, and Whalen's flagship Fund.
The '4% Rule' for Retirement Is Now a 3.7% Rule, Morningstar Says -- WSJ