602.50Open602.50Pre Close0 Volume0 Open Interest1000.00Strike Price0.00Turnover0.00%IV2.69%PremiumDec 20, 2024Expiry Date591.50Intrinsic Value100Multiplier3DDays to Expiry11.00Extrinsic Value100Contract SizeAmericanOptions Type--Delta--Gamma0.69Leverage Ratio--Theta--Rho--Eff Leverage--Vega
MicroStrategy Stock Discussion
It is coming to an end to the year 2024
Throughout my whole Journey, my journey as an Investor is a smooth climb but my journey as a trader is a wild one.
I have a confession
However over time, I believe that ultimately, trading will even surpass my ideas of investing.
Alright let me mansplain my confession why I...
Anal yst rating 550 to 600....means you hold the stocks and wait patiently while at 480 to 520, the institutions dump the stocks making the price collapses and we become bagholders. All preplanned.
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