Born on the cusp of 1985, my voice may echo what perhaps 5 million Aussies will be voting for in this federal election, with 25% to 28% of Millennials now making up the electorate. My generation will be voting for change. With Gen Z, we've been hit with the biggest jumps in interest rates and rents in a decade – while property prices are out of reach, and electricity bills are at record highs. Three key changes we're voting...
151453268 witso
calm the farm Jess, if you think real inflation that drains your pocket just before you leave the shops is coming down then a Nuclear power plant can be built in a day just not going to happen Jess, we have been sold down the river of completely unrealistic green ideals, when base load power is reduced ie coal and gas of course power supply is affected and while we tinker with green intermittent alternatives so to the costs go up, these things go hand in hand and our blind idealistic governments have had know idea how to truly manage it. I know what you want, and it will make you feel good when you drive an Ev but you will actually be doing squat for the environment thats the reality. PS not a hater just a realist there is going to more pain before it gets better
ha even India, Canada, China and Japan. why even compare. India is a shithole, all of them invading our countries to get away from mess they made. Canada is in the hole too thanks to lefties shit policies and trash wave. china aint doing well the subsidy is for their industries though, if implemented here then all money to buying their cars. money going to invasion yea fuk that, doubt they even pay anything, as they build up more coal plants. same with Japan, their cars. plus they ain't doing well. so yea your view is an Indoctrinated one, get in reality. aus needs to vote as nationalist as possible to boot any globalist nonsense out. only then society will fix.
I want you to think about something. Step into Australia's leader’s shoes and ask yourself: What would you do if you were the leader of a commodity-rich nation, Australia, which has one of the largest nuclear energy reserves in the world and can build nuclear power facilities for $8.4 billion (taking 15–20 years)? It will provide cheap, clean, 24/7 energy for Australia, with one uranium fuel pellet able to power a household for eight mont...
TWIMO (151403908)
Yes! However, why does it take almost 20 years to build one plant? Does that mean all these nuclear stocks are way too speculative?
It's a no brainer as far as I'm concerned, I really don't think we have another choice available to us other than to go Nuclear! But I have no idea what we can do until they're built. Also, it's really hard for me to understand, why it's taking so long to build the bloody things, surely we can go a bit quicker than that!!!!!
152236313 jonsie
well are vosl butning plants are the shittest in the world we can only burn the runnish coal meanwhile all the a/b grade coal mined in Australia get sold over seas we have some of best coal seams here so clearly we prefer to sell it for money rather then to power ourselves with it now we have america here building nuclear sub marines so clearly again we prefer to sell it rather then use it for our people in our country make
Where are you getting 20yrs from? There are plenty of examples where reactors have been built under 5yrs. Partnering with South Korea would be our best bet in getting it done quickly. Our only problem is bureaucracy.
retracement or consolidations are making the same list a bloody red mess today either my call out was the kiss of death or an opportune time to grab on dips....
Licensed-degen : You want your money to go further start by voting for smaller government.
151453268 witso : calm the farm Jess, if you think real inflation that drains your pocket just before you leave the shops is coming down then a Nuclear power plant can be built in a day just not going to happen Jess, we have been sold down the river of completely unrealistic green ideals, when base load power is reduced ie coal and gas of course power supply is affected and while we tinker with green intermittent alternatives so to the costs go up, these things go hand in hand and our blind idealistic governments have had know idea how to truly manage it. I know what you want, and it will make you feel good when you drive an Ev but you will actually be doing squat for the environment thats the reality. PS not a hater just a realist there is going to more pain before it gets better

151633530 :
73741530 : Icant participate in this poll, I dont have blue hair.
151825295 : ha even India, Canada, China and Japan. why even compare. India is a shithole, all of them invading our countries to get away from mess they made. Canada is in the hole too thanks to lefties shit policies and trash wave. china aint doing well the subsidy is for their industries though, if implemented here then all money to buying their cars. money going to invasion yea fuk that, doubt they even pay anything, as they build up more coal plants. same with Japan, their cars. plus they ain't doing well. so yea your view is an Indoctrinated one, get in reality. aus needs to vote as nationalist as possible to boot any globalist nonsense out. only then society will fix.
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