0.37Open0.95Pre Close3.17K Volume44.94K Open Interest26.00Strike Price69.28KTurnover30.45%IV1.53%PremiumDec 20, 2024Expiry Date0.00Intrinsic Value100Multiplier3DDays to Expiry0.18Extrinsic Value100Contract SizeAmericanOptions Type-0.3308Delta0.4860Gamma141.73Leverage Ratio-0.0449Theta-0.0007Rho-46.89Eff Leverage0.0089Vega
Deep Sea : If the big players are willing to push up the stock, it will rise and maintain. The outlook for Pfizer for next year 2025 is brighter and clearer, given that the additional cost cutting of 500 million USD and deleverging of debt next year as mentioned by CEO.