its not about how high or low can go if you expect the wrost and detach from emotions you never disappointed from any stocks I expected the most everytime from every stock during beginning phase years then lost most learn from experienced ones those who never green all time not only who makes most if they show proof of every trade
i am sure you missed both bcz this is huge movemnt and you should not have time to comment here on daily bases … Get well soon bro … will win together
yeah the guy's a clown he never posts a screenshot of the purchase he never goes out real time and says I am buying this right now it is $7.23 a share here's the screenshot I'm buying it here he never does that he just comes back after the fact oh look I'm the greatest I'm the best I'm Alvin jackass nobody better than me. it go from one nickel to $25 you follow me you pay me you make money. he's full of crap so congratulations for calling him out...
$Regencell Bioscience (RGC.US)$👀sometimes disciplined trading doesn’t work while action based on past performance but stupid stock keep spiking but i will not regret what i missed letting go emotions of missing monetary gains … memorizing price patterns even emotional pattern within overself and letting go and being free in real time is key
Ben Buttons
Right on, thanks for reminding me to keep focus after early exit and leaving money on the table.
OPBen Buttons
most of time holding day trade going to be disastrous if you not using algorithmic computerized system in trading which may provide precise entry and exit , i am following my own hard way trail and error system due to lack of successful program,i am not and will never attach with any stock to long no matter 1000s% runs, safely over gambling habit pays in long run
MKntrader : everything is possible, its not the market that was 10/20 yrs ago
71307633 : This is how the HKD rises from 10.12 to 2550. I set my buy-in at 10 but did not invest, and it skyrocketed all the way.
Smokey The Bear OP : I am not an owner. this is too risky for me now.
SniperInWood : its not about how high or low can go if you expect the wrost and detach from emotions you never disappointed from any stocks I expected the most everytime from every stock during beginning phase years then lost most learn from experienced ones those who never green all time not only who makes most if they show proof of every trade