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Cassava Sciences Stock Discussion

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    $Cassava Sciences(SAVA.US)$ some hedge funds manipulate stock prices on key reporting dates.
    $Cassava Sciences(SAVA.US)$ The benefits of repairing misfolded protein ’Sava: Simufilam’ as opposed to removing amyloid plaques other company drugs keep doing that causes brain bleeding, brain swelling and some, death.
    $Cassava Sciences(SAVA.US)$ Crucial conflict of Interest details between Rapport Therapeutics founder that has co-founder on NIH Board and short Selling SAVA Stock. In summary, the conflicts of interest stem from Bredt’s dual role in financially benefiting from Cassava's potential failure (through short selling) and professionally advancing a competing Alzheimer’s treatment, which could be seen as motivations for filing the Citizen's Petition against Cassava Sciences.
    $Cassava Sciences(SAVA.US)$ The conflict of interest or alleged corruption from those opposing Cassava Sciences is very easy to trace. People panic on clickbait FUD headlines without doing their research. Rapport Company that is against SAVA, founder and chairman Steve Paul is also chairman of the board of the foundation for the NIH. His co-founder David Bredt, is the One who made that Citizen's Petition and using a lot of the same mechanisms as SAVA with their company but claim that he never in...
    $Cassava Sciences(SAVA.US)$ These are Caregivers speaking out. Thank to Matt N. SAVA's simufilam is working . All of those Fud, Hedge Funds & shorts are clearly manipulating the reputation and stock price of this company because it is actually treating AD patients and shorts have been trying to stop this. Do Not let them destroy the only safe drug with efficacy for AD patients. Phase 3 trials are almost done and plenty of people are improving.
    $Cassava Sciences(SAVA.US)$Why would people choose to stay on simufilan on extended trial if the drug didn’t work on a debilitating disease such as AD? AD gets violently worse over time . There’s never been an issue of safety and patient families and doctors testimony that sava works. 1900 people on this are not going to want to get off the drug and get worse again.  The drug works
    $Cassava Sciences(SAVA.US)$ If we are going by ethics and integrity, did the DOJ ever investigate this’ Eisai and Biogen’s Alzheimer’s disease drug lecanemab’? Where was the outrage, DOJ investigation and accusations by Bik, Bredt, Adrian , Jesse and Shorts over death of patients in a drug that should have never been approved? 2 years ago when CUNY, SEC and FDA investigated, they found no evidence of wrongdoing or manipulation by SAVA or Wang. DOJ on a Friday afternoon before options expires wit...
    $Cassava Sciences(SAVA.US)$ Cassava Sciences Issues Statement on Former Science Advisor Jun 28, 2024:"Dr. Wang and his former public university medical school have had no involvement in the Company’s Phase 3 clinical trials of simufilam."

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