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    $Cassava Sciences (SAVA.US)$ This is also why the SEC has Corruption: Short interest is not reported frequently. Broker dealers “locate” instead of borrow or they use counterfeit shares. There’s no buy-in. Buy-ins were allowed but not required. Reg SHO, SHO for short selling. The hedge funds and big brokers who had been or would be shown to be illegally shorting all lobbied against it.
    To protect short sellers and avoid Reg SHO, dealers went ex-clearing. They either cleared internally or with a c...
    $Cassava Sciences (SAVA.US)$ New Bullish Luysii Press Article giving full context of current state of SAVA: "Even if you assume that Lindsay ‘cherry picked’ the data, no one has data showing improvement in a subset of patients at nine months like this. The best the monoclonal antibody treatments of Alzheimer’s can offer is a slight lessening of the rate decline on average. Similar unprecedented improvement in a subset of cancer patients (not everyone) has led to an explosion of research on immune...
    $Cassava Sciences (SAVA.US)$ Although The SEC has not taken action on SAVA stock price manipulation by shorts/ Hedge Funds algorithm trading but with enough research, data(Screenshot evidence) and the daily abuse for 4+ years, they will be forced to address it by being exposed to media outlets and investigators. The Market Manipulation is called “Marking the close” is a market abuse practice that involves buying or selling securities or derivatives contracts near the end of the trading day to man...
    $Cassava Sciences (SAVA.US)$The amount of manipulation that the SEC has allowed on the stock price with daily complaints & yet they never address it but charged 40M dollars is arrogant & disgusting corruption at the highest level. They will get exposed as we are doing DD on all of them to show how they are all connected just like we found out CUNY and ORI  conflict of interest that had to stop their investigation. Benzinga posting Martin S tweet with manipulated twitter likes & countless Seeking ...
    $Cassava Sciences (SAVA.US)$ Every unethical attempt to ask the FDA to stop the trials from Citizens Petition, Adam F, NY Times Articles and other FUD headlines have been rejected by FDA as they have seen that SAVA has been deemed SAFE for patients and requested by trial sites and OLE extension. Those Requests came from greed as opposed to the actual patients having their own testimonies of SAVA working for them. Yesterday, Lilly finally acknowledged Misfolded Protein as oppose to Amyloid Plaque ...
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