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Volume change rate ranking (9 AM) ~ Yamaha, DWTI, ETC are ranked.
In the ranking of Volume change rates, comparing the average Volume over the last five days and the Volume on the distribution day allows us to understand market participants' interests such as trends in stock selection. ■ Top Volume Change Rates [As of February 6, 9:32] (Comparison of recent 5-day average Volume) Stock Code Stock Name Volume 5-Day Average Volume Volume Change Rate Stock Price Change Rate <8107> Kimuratan 19535000 107185.08 238.83% 0.4117% <4978> Rip
Stocks that moved the previous day part 1: Repro Cell, Proto Corporation, Tokyo Seimitsu ETC.
Stock Name <Code> 5-Day Closing Price ⇒ Change from Previous Day * Bandai Namco HD <7832> 4389 +530 Financial Estimates and Dividends revised upwards for the fiscal year ending March 2025. * Mitsui O.S.K. Lines <9101> 5066 +199 Financial Estimates and Dividends revised upwards for the fiscal year ending March 2025. * Techno Rishou <1965> 2900 +438 Financial Estimates revised upwards for the fiscal year ending March 2025. * Chiyoda Corporation <6366> 337 +372 Financial Estimates revised upwards for the fiscal year ending March 2025. * HENNGE <4475> 1490 +300 First-quarter operating profit.
The Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Index continues to rise, with expectations of an earlier interest rate hike; however, the market shows strong support at lower levels.
The Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market Index is 841.18, up by 8.02, with a Volume of 0.1 billion, 73.21 million Shares traded, and trading value of 120.4 billion yen. The Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market 250 Index is 654.88, up by 7.08, with a Volume of 0.1 billion, 5.62 million Shares traded, and trading value of 92.8 billion yen. Today in the Growth Market, both the Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market Index and the Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market 250 Index continue to rise. The number of rising stocks is 322, the number of falling stocks is 236, and unchanged stocks are 43. In the U.S. stock market on the 4th, the Dow Inc rebounded after three days.
Individual stock information.
EF Code <9211.T> continues to rise significantly. It will become a consolidated subsidiary of Ciel Zero, an IT engineering service company based in Osaka. In the future, Ciel Zero will utilize its engineering expertise, experience, IT personnel, and development resources to further expand its business. GATECH <3491.T> drops significantly, declining for three consecutive days. In the overseas market, mainly in Europe and Asia (excluding the USA and Canada), there will be a public offering of 4,072,400 new shares.
Afternoon session [Active stocks and traded stocks]
*BANDAI NAMCO HD <7832> 4389 +530 Financial Estimates and Dividends for the fiscal year ending March 2025 have been revised upwards. *NYK Line <9101> 5066 +199 Financial Estimates and Dividends for the fiscal year ending March 2025 have been revised upwards. *TECHNO RIKYUWA <1965> 2900 +438 Financial Estimates for the fiscal year ending March 2025 have been revised upwards. *Chiyoda Corporation <6366> 337 +372 Financial Estimates for the fiscal year ending March 2025 have been revised upwards. *HENNGI <4475> 1490 +300 Operating profit increased by 37.3% in the first quarter. *Reprocell <4
Emerging Markets Stock Digest: GA TECH has fallen significantly for three consecutive days, and HENNGE has hit the upper limit.
<4592> SanBio 767 +25 significantly rebounding. The financial estimates for the January 2025 period have been revised upward from a previous forecast of a 3.359 billion yen deficit to a 2.736 billion yen deficit (compared to the prior period's performance of a 2.644 billion yen deficit). The year-end Exchange Rates have been confirmed, and the amount related to foreign currency loans and related claims against consolidated subsidiaries is expected to result in an exchange gain of approximately 0.623 billion yen, leading to a reduction in the deficit. The operating profit and loss forecast indicates a 3.339 billion yen deficit (compared to the same period's 4.539 billion yen deficit.