Moo Live
Jan 30 03:25
FOMC Press Conference, January 29, 2025
Trading Rules
Order Type
What are advanced orders
What is limit order
The difference between conditional orders and advanced orders
What is a market order
What is stop order
What is stop limit order
What is a market if touched order
What is limit if touched order
What is a trailing stop order
What is trailing stop limit order
What is an attached order
Market-on-Close order
What is Algorithmic Trading for US Stocks
US Stock Option
US Index Option
Dividend Reinvestment Plan
A market order does not need to specify a price, and it is bought or sold at the current market price.
09:30 a.m. - 04:00 p.m. ET.
04:00 a.m. - 09:30 a.m. ET is the pre-market trading hours for the U.S. stock market, and 04:00 p.m. - 08:00 p.m. ET is the U.S. stock market post-market trading hours.
2.1 When a market order is placed during the pre-market session, the system will put the order on hold and submit it to the exchange after the regular market trading begins. Although a market order can be entered during the post-market session, it may not be filled until the next regular trading session opens.
2.2 Market orders do not guarantee a specific execution price.
2.3 To prevent the execution prices of market orders from greatly deviating from expectations and causing losses, Moomoo Financial Inc. may temporarily deem the liquidity of some scenarios as insufficient and will therefore disable the placement of market orders. This will occur if at least one of the following data points is missing: best bid, best ask, or the transaction price of the day.
2.4 For the sake of risk control, the price of a market order put on hold in the system is calculated as the current price * market order multiplier, and the market order multiplier is subject to adjustment by Moomoo Financial Inc. from time to time according to market conditions. Your buying power will be reduced accordingly. After the order is filled or cancelled, the frozen part of your buying power will be released.