Moomoo US Help Center-W-9 Form
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W-9 Form

What is W-9 Form?

A W-9 form is an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax form that is used to certify a person's name, address, and taxpayer identification number (TIN). The certification can be requested for either an individual defined as a U.S. citizen or a person defined as a resident alien.


What happens if the information is W-9 form is incorrect?

If the account holder does not provide their name and tax identification number in the manner required by the IRS and certify that the information is correct, then moomoo is required to withhold 24% tax on the reportable payments including dividends, interest, and gross proceeds from sell transactions.


Impact on account functions

If your W-9 is uncertified, your access to certain account functions will be limited. To manage this, you can correct your Social Security Number (SSN) and name as shown on your Social Security Card and tax return in [Account]> [More]> [Account Information: Account Profile].
For more information about the W-9, please click here.