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Apple September Event and War of EV makers: Sharings Highlights & Winners Announcement

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We picked a few sharings from this discussion whose are most qualitied analysis or interesting stories. Let's have a look!
Apple September Event and War of EV makers: Sharings Highlights & Winners Announcement
Most mooers agreed that this fall event will become a turning point for AAPL to head higher.
No matter how the critics are towards the lack of changes & creativity on the newly launch products, you can't deny that apple is still getting its loyal fans base to be engaged into their ecosystem, each and every year proven with the company financial results shown. I believe the apples fans are indulging with the clean and lean apple product look that is near to perfection to them; hence the everlasting beauty stays in their mind, rather than fancy looks that may seem superfluous. View more>>
I dig how Apple is strict on password to the phone ive had several iphones stolen and im proud to say that they didnt get into the phone. I loke the iphone12 it was alot like the 4 iphone 4 witch was durable as hell. I dont see Apple products going down in value any time soon and im looking foward to investing in Apple. View more>>
Not really sure as I has not use them. But many of their past products shown good feedbacks record by many reviewers, so... wait for new reviewers' feedback? If I'd to choose one, I guess is iphone series 14 Emm, though I never use any Apple products. But, I heard good feedbacks about their past products from reviewers. View more>>
Plus, 6 winners with great insights will be given 600 points each. 3 mooers win the Lucky Draw awards of 30 poins each!
Apple September Event and War of EV makers: Sharings Highlights & Winners Announcement
81% of mooers are very optimistic about the investment in the EV segment.
Obviously all of the EV companies are in competition with each other, but when it comes down to it, the people of Earth do not need it to be a race. We need it to become a team effort by multiple different vehicle manufacturers. Bloomberg estimated that by 2040, EV sales globally will reach 66 million PER YEAR. View more>>
NUMBERS show there is no “war”: there is a neat dominace of the only pure EV company producing 1.5 mil cars with >30% margin. The second -BYD- still produces about half hybrids with an overall 1/11th profit compared to Tesla. All the others are far from mass production -as industrially intended- to get economies of scale and are still at loss, probably for a couple of years more. View more>>
Personally, we should make EV's, but not buying/use them. I agree to invest in the process of making because it's a hot item people are going for it. EVs it's a fad/trend, eventually is going to blow up in the entire world faces. Generally, I'm not a negative Nancy but this is not a good look. View more>>
Plus, 6 winners with great insights will be given 600 points each.
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