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Analysis of Tesla's pre-market retrading chart on Friday July 19: deep decline, then buy again, hold for a long time.

Tesla's energy business has become the biggest threat to bears 🔥 Vance's attitude towards Musk/Musk refutes rumors/Cybertruck + FSD/Neuralink
Break out of the rules and restrictions that are happy to rise and hate falling, which is one of the weaknesses of human nature, and don't take secondary trends, short-term trends, or short-term trends too seriously. (Very difficult; most people can't do it. Difficulties: 1. I don't dare to buy it when it falls at a low price; 2. I can't hold the chips after getting some rich floats in my hands.)
Pay attention to groundbreaking projects. At a time when the profit chip ratio is less than 21%, everyone is afraid to avoid it, especially when bearish and short sellers are ecstatic and aggressive, dare to reverse secondary trends, short-term trends, and plan and step by step, increase positions and expand stocks in batches with discrete random variables, and deep falls and buy again. Based on long-term trends, main trends, medium- to long-term investment holdings.
As for the icing on the cake, take advantage of the chase and do a little less, and leave it to the general public to do. They love to do this kind of thing, and they are good at it. Do they call it a “trend”, “gain profit and avoid harm”?
In the short term that can be found, the stock price is gaining momentum, and then it will once again hit the strong resistance zone 299.290-314.800 above 271, going all the way from 138.800-160.510. Are you still afraid that it won't be able to pierce 299.290-314.800? The time function is under your control, so why be afraid?
Analysis of Tesla's pre-market retrading chart on Friday July 19: deep decline, then buy again, hold for a long time.
Analysis of Tesla's pre-market retrading chart on Friday July 19: deep decline, then buy again, hold for a long time.
Analysis of Tesla's pre-market retrading chart on Friday July 19: deep decline, then buy again, hold for a long time.
Analysis of Tesla's pre-market retrading chart on Friday July 19: deep decline, then buy again, hold for a long time.
Analysis of Tesla's pre-market retrading chart on Friday July 19: deep decline, then buy again, hold for a long time.
Analysis of Tesla's pre-market retrading chart on Friday July 19: deep decline, then buy again, hold for a long time.
Analysis of Tesla's pre-market retrading chart on Friday July 19: deep decline, then buy again, hold for a long time.
Analysis of Tesla's pre-market retrading chart on Friday July 19: deep decline, then buy again, hold for a long time.
Analysis of Tesla's pre-market retrading chart on Friday July 19: deep decline, then buy again, hold for a long time.
Analysis of Tesla's pre-market retrading chart on Friday July 19: deep decline, then buy again, hold for a long time.
Analysis of Tesla's pre-market retrading chart on Friday July 19: deep decline, then buy again, hold for a long time.
Analysis of Tesla's pre-market retrading chart on Friday July 19: deep decline, then buy again, hold for a long time.
Analysis of Tesla's pre-market retrading chart on Friday July 19: deep decline, then buy again, hold for a long time.
Analysis of Tesla's pre-market retrading chart on Friday July 19: deep decline, then buy again, hold for a long time.
Analysis of Tesla's pre-market retrading chart on Friday July 19: deep decline, then buy again, hold for a long time.
Daily Devotion — July 19, 2024

Run away or fight

Gary Wilkerson

Now listen
“O Lord, how many enemies I have! A lot of people got up and attacked me.” (Psalm 3:1, ESV) When David wrote the opening verse of this verse, he was either experiencing many attacks on him from the front line or being attacked by many people on multiple fronts.

Sometimes we run into one test after another, or they just pile up all at once. In the midst of pain, we may fall into despair. Some of us may become paranoid and cranky about the worst-case scenario. We're terrified of what might happen.

We are often convinced that we can handle a problem reasonably, but a series of issues beyond our ability to do so annoy us. We are immersed in difficulties every moment of waking up, unable to escape our anxiety and fear. Despite our best intentions, just like David, we chose to flee rather than fight.

We must accept that even in life's toughest tests, the bigger battles are always fought against rulers and those in power who attack our minds and souls. These are our most vulnerable places in this difficult struggle.

In Psalm 3, David begins his prayer as a troubled king who is desperate because of growing difficulties. In section 3, things started to change. David had another prayer in his heart, a prayer full of hope. “Lord, you are a shield around me, my glory, and my head up” (Psalm 3:3).

David was no longer overwhelmed by “many” things, but focused solely on one thing: the source of his salvation. He was no longer worried about the many tests around him, but because he knew God would help him. David saw his shield, the Lord himself, surrounding him.

Psalm 3 tells us that no matter what tests we face, no matter where the attacks come from, the Lord will protect us. This is true not only in some situations, but in all cases. God is in control of all our worries and worries. He is a shield that covers every inch of our body, leaving no gaps in the enemy's stabbing arrows. Today, no matter what tests you face, let God's presence be your greatest shield.

DAILY DEVOTIONAL — July 19, 2024

Flight or Fight

By Gary Wilkerson

Listen Now
“O Lord, how many are my foes! Many are rising against me” (Psalm 3:1, ESV). When David wrote this opening verse, he was either attacking many people appearing him on a single front or being on many fronts.

Sometimes, we encounter one trial after another, or they pile up all at once. In the Feelings of Our Desire, We Can Be Driven to Near Despair. Some of us may grow paranoid, our thoughts running wild about worst-case scenarios. We Grow Panicked Over What May Happen to Us.

Often, we are assured we can solve face one problem, but an avalanche of problems that are beyond our abilities We spend every waking hour preaching with our feelings, unable to shake our anxiety and fear. Strongly our best luck, like David, we turn to flight instead of fight.

We have to accept that even in life's toughest trials, the greater battle is always with principalities and powers that attack our mind and soul. These were our most significant areas during times of great struggle.

In Psalm 3, David begins the Prayer of a Beleaguered King who deserts over the mounting odds stacked against him. By verse 3, things begin to change. David had another prayer in his heart, a prayer of awesome hope. “But You, O Lord, Are A Shield About Me, My Glory, and The Lifter of My Head” (Psalm 3:3).

David had moved from being considered by “many” things to a single-ended focus on one thing: his source of deliverance. He was no longer described about being tried by many trials but instead was attempted by the help he knew he had in God. David saw his shield, the Lord himself, and destroyed him.

Psalm 3 tells us that it doesn't matter how encircled we may be by oncoming trials. No Matter what direction the assaults come from, the Lord has us covered. This is true not just in some thought but in all of them. God has controlled over all our enemies and deaths. He is a shield that covers every inch of our being, leaving no opening for the enemy's piercing arrows. Today, let God's very presence be your greatest shield in whatever trial you may face.
Analysis of Tesla's pre-market retrading chart on Friday July 19: deep decline, then buy again, hold for a long time.
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