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As its IPO partner in 2012, Morgan Stanley has the most to lose from this company's inevitable crash and burn

LeonaC wrote a column · Jul 12 11:21
And finally, we are to the dramatic conclusion of the multi-part SWOOP analysis.
Early on, I predicted it would take 5 articles to explain why I SWOOPed in here. And to make the proper accounting, there have technically been more than 5 articles in ~30 days detailing the situation. It may not be "the last time" we discuss the SWOOP topic, though suffice it to say that by the end of this column, we will have grazed upon all the SWOOP basics.  "Grazed" -- get it?  
SWOOP is acronym for assessing young entrepreneurs w/big fantasies + bigger spending habits
SWOOP is acronym for assessing young entrepreneurs w/big fantasies + bigger spending habits
Birds and cattle have been known to have somewhat of a symbiotic relationship, so it's not entirely unfeasible that moomoo herds with jipji'ju'gisutnat might just be able to ... take out more annoying bugs?  I've not yet received an offer letter from either MooMoo or Intel, though by the time these columns are complete, I am certain someone will agree I deserve a salary.  Salary PLUS influencer rewards... why not? It is not unfeasible that our relationship could indeed be symbiotic and improve all of our lives, provided we can agree on prioritizing some basic human values.  
Disclaimer involving the word "we"
I adopted a difficult and cranky, but artistic and soulful (human) survivor of the Indian Residential School system who -- like Intel Corporation -- was born during the 1960's.  He's a member of the Navajo Nation and a diabetic.  He worked very hard to win me over when we met, which was right before the scope of the pandemic was  becoming known in early 2020.  He worked harder than any man that has ever pursued me to win me over; today he is my rez husband.  His mother "Alice" (not her native name) is my good friend.  When I use the word "we", I am referring to all of us, to our family which includes his mom, siblings, his children birthed by women who are "not me" long ago, and his grandsons -- we have family and cats both "on rez" and "off rez".
Until early this year, our family included my primary cat, pictured below.
So incredibly handsome mósí "not a purebred",  just after his 22st birthday in this photo.
So incredibly handsome mósí "not a purebred", just after his 22st birthday in this photo.
We lost mósí in the early part of this year, when he would have turned 24 this autumn.  Early this year, I had been under brutal and continual financial attack for (at least) the previous 12 months, watching baffled, as Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLP's brokers (how they ID'd themselves on my E*TRADE screen until very recently)  performed unauthorized actions on my account and siphoned away tens of thousands of dollars from each of my savings values.  MS inflated fossil-fuel oriented businesses and "luxury" vacation middlemen while my Intel equity was devalued.  What MS funded made no sense to me because as a caregiver of a cranky Residential School Survivor -- I have not had an actual vacation or a paycheck in over 4 years.  
The open line of communication I'd started long ago with E*TRADE suddenly stopped working. The mental note I'd filed away at some point in the past that E*TRADE and Morgan Stanley were separate publicly traded companies never got updated after the merger.   Distraught about aging mósí and still mourning the tragic death (homicide ruled overdose) of my younger sibling, Scott, who passed away 16 months ago, it also became impossible for me to prioritize veterinarian bills when I had no income. That specific and often mislabeled "cause of death" is astoundingly common among native peoples everywhere.  IMHO, all overdoses are homicides -- by the drug dealer / profit seeker selling the temporary fix.
It's hard to deal with financial attacks while you're mourning the loss of family and companions and friends.  
Now ... a number of months since Scott's gone and mósí passed, and I'm seeing what happened so clearly.  The SWOOP spells everything out and cannot lie. Indeed, the clarity with which I understand "what happened" is so stark and obvious that I want to be mad at myself for not seeing it sooner.  
I'm not mad at myself, but gracious day, thank goodness for hindsight!
Never hold a grudge against the company that dethrones a "bad fit" CEO sooner rather than later
So today's column is going to discuss the "dramatic conclusion" I have reached after studying all the data, numbers, charts and trends very carefully.  
As information in this column shows, Morgan Stanley was the company that led Facebook's IPO in 2012; ergo, Morgan Stanley has the most to lose from Facebook/Meta's inevitable crash and burn. Like many large "institutionally" affiliated entities, it has also had more than one CEO since 2012. Unfortunately, its CEOs today is (in my opinion) still an an extremely incompetent CEO. A company like Morgan Stanley that has uploads of my researched data and analysis should have filled my margin account UP, not done hostile margin calls.  
As weird as it sounds, I don't hold a grudge against my former employer; the CEO who sabotaged my entire business group is gone. Intel is nothing like Facebook's Platforms in that it DOES have the employee-owned shareholder power to (and consistently DOES) remove CEOs who "power trip" and renege on those company values we printed on our badge.  This is why Intel has survived more than 55 years, and why its competitors have not.  
Always take the long view.
Twelve years since college dropout CEO's IPO
I mentioned elsewhere on the Internet that one of the reasons I never liked or trusted Facebook's Meta Platforms is that... its CEO has never worked for anybody but himself. Work history and IRS audit trails are important; I know this because my undergraduate degree is in Accountancy. (Yes, "degree" and "Accountancy" rhyme (go SUU THUNDERBIRDS!).)
Since the college dropout CEO has never worked for anybody but himself, we have no idea what his accounting ethics really are, except where it is clear that he "trusts himself more than anybody else". Most people are not like him. When you slave thru college and make slave wages of money and pay taxes and meet people from similar backgrounds as yourself in socioeconomic status, you learn about how the world works. I don't think college dropout CEO ever learned very basic lessons -- evidenced by the fact that he set up his company to prioritize himself and entities that include himself, where he is #1 in charge.
He repeated this behavior of self-priortization for the first 7 years of his company trading on the stock market.  Fans of the U.S. taxation system, or "Internal Revenue Service" (IRS) know this number is enough of an audit trail to discern a pattern -- and the pattern it reveals is fascism, any and every way you cut it. No logician on the planet can justify 90 percent "one man ownership" as the kind of private setup for a company whose profit model is contingent on abusing personal information. College dropout CEO wants the secrecy of a private company with the funding of a public market -- and the market should have long ago said: Nope, no way.
It didn't because? ... Well, I found this paper from 2017 (RCT) that explains why.
Notice that the list of "executive officers and directors" greatly lacks the diversity in gender and ethnicity. I remember reading about this IPO and being "not interested" in it when I saw it.  Not only did I dislike the look and feel of Facebook as a website (I never installed any of its apps on my phone or any mobile device), I especially did not like how it made people into performance clowns.  It just wasn't my thing.
See homogeneity of this group? Is traceable to US Census records. Internet is bigger & more diverse.
See homogeneity of this group? Is traceable to US Census records. Internet is bigger & more diverse.
Cut from the part of the paper that ID's the IPO's chosen partners:
Morgan Stanley merge w/E*TRADE financially harmed short sellers smarter than college dropout CEO
Morgan Stanley merge w/E*TRADE financially harmed short sellers smarter than college dropout CEO
Ergo, if you don't like or believe in Facebook, Morgan Stanley always was and still is a bad place to store your money.
Why do these guys never have enough?
Is incorrect of a CEO to value their own location data more than the users' data they discount
Is incorrect of a CEO to value their own location data more than the users' data they discount
Such fascist-leaning personas always want their victims to believe that he, the CEO is too "big and powerful" to fight back against ... but this is a lie.  Morgan Stanley did and still does have the most to lose from Facebook/Meta's inevitable crash and burn; and I think there are enough intelligent people left over from the E*TRADE merger who innately understand "intermediate" fantasy stock valuations are not sustainable; in fact, they are fraudulent liabilities.  Too much climate disaster, too many homicides, suicides, and mass-shootings of marginalized peoples.  Microaggressions of fear-based algorithms to keep people scrolling do more net harm than good.
The information in this column is not exclusive to MooMoo, by the way.  As mentioned in my introduction post,  I am not an adrenaline junkie but instead a professional Technical Writer.  I got a perfect score on the PSAT in 8th grade (means "started college in high school"), worked and butted heads with 3 different CEOs at 2 startups in Silicon Valley.  Then I worked ~6 years at a big multi-national ... I volunteered my 10K coding hours ("expert experience") to two different 501C3 before that, lived in and loved East Palo Alto before the college dropout CEO moved his company there.
I built my network without Facebook Platforms, and know how to distribute my research and work throughout both public and private sectors.  I like writing for people who understand and appreciate logic. While I'm not particularly into money, property, or prestige, this does not mean I'm keen on donating any equity or  authored work, art, or photographs to pad the bank account of the CEO who is building Doomsday compound number 16.
There are very specific reasons I direct most of my writing at talented women in tech, and toward the underrepresented People of Color (PoC).  For example, if you take a minute to do deep study of that 2017 paper about the IPO of college dropout's CEO's company, you will notice that he only really appointed and hired people who look and think like him.   An inevitable crash in burn of the fascist CEO is ... inevitable.  
"Outsiders cannot be fooled by Insiders" is very important.  Note how "insiders" are usually blind to things outsiders can see clearly; 12 years later -- the unpopular college dropout CEO has clearly hurt a lot of people in his quest to appear popular.  We old-time Internet peoples familiar with the actual history of the Internet are much harder to fool than people chasing a quick trade or real estate flip.  Insiders cannot fool outsiders.
Why Facebook shareholders are "okay" with college dropout CEO bulldozing one mansion that has not yet depreciated to make another one  --  when he already has over 20 acres and a bunker in what some maps call "Hawai'i"?  Fascist CEOs are what make me ashamed of the "American" description inherent in half of my Native American ancestry.  I'm not alone.
 (uhh.  there is no up arrow, so I'll use the watermelon)  Above video is a friend of my rez husband from the Standing Rock camp who at the time of this video lived in Olympia, WA.  In 2016, a bunch of natives opposed to a nearby fossil fuel pipeline gathered on sacred native land to fight small-town fascism and "cops who were bought"  to harass and harm the natives protecting their ancestral sites and burial places.
Now about my request for a salary and most recent work experience: AI  
This buzz-wordy AI acronym is indeed the area of my most recent work experience at $Intel (INTC.US)$, and I am well aware that it is the buzz-word that tends to scare people the most.   People fear what they don't understand. Fear, coupled with a constant stream of microaggressions (FB news feed, for example), are how  fascists "get in your head" to induce emotional reactions and make you mess up.  Adversarial networks, known in the industry as GANNs, are the overspending CEO's best friends.  
Fortunately, the one thing that AI has failed at over and over is making a compelling, truthful story.  Delusional AI is often described in the literature ... the official description is "hallucinating".  Hallucinating AI will never make a compelling, truthful story -- and this is why writers and talented data analysts will never actually be replaceable.   Pep talk #3 for the ladies:  the dudes are not smarter or better than YOU! Do not fall victim to the head games, and do not trust those fear-based algorithms spewed by adversarial AI.
AI is just not good at human intuition -- being able to connect far-flung and disparate pieces of data.  Humans keep doing the same stupid things over and over, putting their energy and money into the wrong things.  Absolutely no AI can or ever will be able to clean up ongoing tornado, hail, derecho, wildfire, tropical cyclone, flood damage due to climate change.  Everybody who showed up in solidarity to support Standing Rock knew this; the facts have not changed.
2159 words.  Column took > 12 hours to author and edit.
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