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Copy that, Houston: a steamy 88.3 Fahrenheit SST for Beryl to bury luxury cruise ship leisure vacation plans

LeonaC wrote a column · Jul 7 11:31
snapshot of Sea Surface Temps today from
snapshot of Sea Surface Temps today from
That's 31.3 °C , or 304.4 Kelvin
Sea Surface Temp (SST) at the southernmost parish of a place some maps refer to as "Louisiana" right now at 7:43 AM Pacific time is hot.  An interesting fact I picked up last week: only Louisiana calls their Census areas "parishes" -- everywhere else in the United States calls them "counties", except Alaska -- which calls them "boroughs".  I learned this tidbit during a live stream from the awesome lady named Hayley who built and runs and  
I had a chance to interact with Hayley the other day, through chat on the 24/7 automated live stream she sometimes (at very odd hours) vlogs (podcasts?). The technical writer in me could not help but burst out laughing when I noticed that the automated "robot" voice she programmed to speak the severe weather alerts was making a humorous convolution, telling people that the measurement to be derived from "Special Marine" warnings was "nano meters" .. storms were 5.6 nanometers offshore instead of "nautical miles".  Hayley took the feedback in good stride and assured me that it was a known buggy behavior.  Since it is relevant to the story: I used to work at $Intel (INTC.US)$, so convolutions involving nanometers can be especially funny to me.  (Don't worry if you're not nerdy enough to get it.)
Side note: *large sigh* I sure do wish those Intel recruiters would get back to me with at least one good news message soon.  I'm a working woman at heart, and miss the  group-based approach to solving problems with the company I trained with the longest -- one that has well-documented values for how to solve problems.  Not to mention: I deserve a salary.  The hourly wage I was working before the pandemic got me and my Navajo rez husband through the pandemic, but we deserve better, especially now.  (Don't worry former FB users who were on my friends list, I'll devote an entire column to my rez husband and his educational talents and community service achievements one of these days).  But for now, please do expedite the info to your manager:  I deserve salary not only because I did something that no paid employee of Intel did, but also because Intel's stock price has dropped like ... 60 percent since it lost me 4 years ago.  We made a good team.
Water cooler talk:  Hey, that interim CEO who messed up like... he really messed up, eh?  I was hopeful that the replacement CEO would "get it" -- a good technical writer, when you pay her what she's worth, really can add billions to your market cap. College dropout CEO is going to have a hard time convincing any technical writer with ethics to fund more greed of his premature cash-outs.
But back to the weather
Hotter temperatures above steamier oceans mean the atmosphere can hold more moisture.  More moisture leads to more instability, as vortex phenomena occurs in reaction to stabilize unstable air masses -- or what we weather nerds call MCS:  "Meso-scale Convective Systems".  The product of MCS are often vortex in nature: cyclones, typhoons, hurricanes and tornadoes.  Here's a glimpse of the "Total Cloud Water (TCW)"  Beryl has while spinning toward Houston.  
the SW eyewall of Beryl holding 1.89 kg per square meter of H2O; the data scale maxes out@ 1 kg/m2
the SW eyewall of Beryl holding 1.89 kg per square meter of H2O; the data scale maxes out@ 1 kg/m2
Copy for Galveston: it is rude to plan your vacation amid climate disasters, but it's just plain stupid to build your company HQ on a giant sinkhole of petrodollar-funded disaster..  
By now, especially if you've followed my columns thus far, you "get it" that there is a direct link between bad business and climate disasters.  Bad businesses invite an increasing frequency of climate disasters, whereever they choose to sprawl.  
The data scientist in me is almost unsurprised the hurricane is headed straight toward luxury cruise ship's petrodollar sinkhole in the over-drilled Gulf of Climate Disasters.  
643 words
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    Professional Technical Writer w/Linux, Ruby on Rails, PCB, SoC, startups, payments & tax software experience.