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How much does an day trader make on average every day?

In most cases, speculative trading is not enough for long-term investors to invest in the long term. The family history of the Rothschild family (Rothschild family) is a good example. The vast majority of people simply don't have anything like James Harris Simons, the late award-winning world-leading mathematician, investor, philanthropist, who was worth 43 billion dollars ((Led by James Harris Simmons)Renaissance Technologies LLC(Renaissance Technology LLC) is based on improvements and extensions to Leonard Baum (Leonard Baum)'s Baum-Welch (Baum-Welch) algorithm model to explore its potentially profitable correlation. This improvement was done by algebraist James Cox (James Cox). After James Harris Simons passed away and he withdrew his own portion of funds by setting up charitable and scientific research funds, Renaissance Technologies LLC's performance in the financial market was much worse than before, and its influence gradually declined.
It's not difficult to make money by day trading, but most people make mistakes and end up losing money. There are two “secrets” to making money by day trading:
1. Don't be greedy.

2. Make the right use of your positions.

You'll notice that most people think that in order to make money from trading, they need to trade more frequently. After all, if you trade 50 times a day, you'll make more money than if you only trade 5 times a day, right? Wrong.

This logic may work in the non-trading world, where more work = more money; however, in the trading world, it often has the exact opposite effect; trading too often not only hinders your ability to make a profit, but actually causes you to lose money. (Of course, institutional and market traders execute faster than us, so they can profit from hundreds of microtransactions every day, but that's not a reality for retail traders).
Day traders generally lose money. About 95% of day traders lose money in the long run.

Of the 5% who succeeded, they earned slightly different amounts. I think the average is around 0.1 million dollars per year. My 3 friends who successfully traded made 0.1 million, 0.5 million, and 5 million dollars respectively. The one that earns 0.1 million trades for about an hour every day, which is relatively stress-free. His account balance remained around $0.05 million. He was very satisfied.

The man who made 0.5 million traded options on his phone. For ten years, he earned (roughly) 0.5 million a year. This is where he feels comfortable.

This guy, who earns 5 million a year, now has his own company. He not only uses his own money to trade, but also uses other people's money to do business. This is a serious business, and there is pressure to do serious business.

Ultimately, it comes down to the trade-off between how much money you want to make and how much time and stress you're willing to endure. For example, the person who made $5 million lost $3 million when Tilray peaked and crashed. He still made money that year, but losing 3 million was stressful for most people (on the other hand, if Goldman Sachs traders traded large enough, they probably wouldn't be intimidated by losing 3 million). Stress and acceptable losses are associated with your account.
If you want to be a profitable day trader, it's best to cut back on the number of trades. Doing so will help you avoid losing trades, thereby improving your chances of staying profitable. After all, it's much easier to find 2 or 3 profitable deals than 10 or 20. But reducing the number of trades won't have a negative impact on your profits. In fact, if you make the right use of trading, you can make more money by reducing the number of transactions.

For example, did you know that if you only trade emini S&P twice a day, making a profit of $50 per trade ($100 total), and trading 10 contracts each time, you could make $200,000 a year?

Can't afford 10 contracts? OK, what about 5 servings? That year, it was also 0.1 million dollars. I can't afford 5, so what about 3? That year was $0.06 million. I know a lot of people are putting in far more effort to earn $0.06 million a year than finding two $50 a day!

Even if you only trade one contract twice a day and make a profit of $50 each time, that's $20,000 a year. What can you do with that extra $20,000? If there's no other way, you can use it to set up your account so you can trade larger volumes and make more money.

Never assume that no trader is doing the same thing every day. As I said, the secret isn't to trade more, but to be able to keep making profits when you make a profit and properly use it to earn the money you need. With this simple formula, there's technically no limit to how much you can earn.

Hope this helps.
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