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I built MooMoo's C++ OpenAPI on ClearLinux OS for Intel® Architecture (you can, too)

And this will be my introduction post to the MooMoo Community.
There was no documentation for how to do this, I just figured it out.  Technical writers are often your most valuable team members -- do you have any?  Do you need any?
MMAPI4CPP ships w/Bin files for Centos7 and Ubuntu16.04; I built ClearLinux OS's Binary CPPAPI
MMAPI4CPP ships w/Bin files for Centos7 and Ubuntu16.04; I built ClearLinux OS's Binary CPPAPI
The latest version for MMAPI4CPP is 8.2.4218; you can get it here: Moomoo - Online Trading Platform, Commission-free Investment App & Brokerage .  
I built MooMoo's C++ OpenAPI on ClearLinux OS for Intel® Architecture (you can, too)
Choose the C++ version for this tutorial.
After you unroll / decompress / extract / unzip the files you have a directory named MMAPI4CPP_8.2.4218.  Within that directory, create a new directory called "build".
You can do this on the command line with the following commands (does markdown formatting work here?)
` $ cd MMAPI4CPP && mkdir build`
`$ cmake ../Src -DTARGET_OS=ClearLinux`
I built MooMoo's C++ OpenAPI on ClearLinux OS for Intel® Architecture (you can, too)
After that, it is as simple as running `make` and `make install` ... and you are DONE.
I built MooMoo's C++ OpenAPI on ClearLinux OS for Intel® Architecture (you can, too)
No need to put another app on your phone; phones are the least secure devices on which to trade.
Technical writing is only one of my skills. Sadly, I have not had a real paycheck in more than 4 years, though it's not because I fell in love with day trading!  Pep talk for the ladies: investing in yourself is not always easiest path, but it's always worth it where people don't value your skills and intelligence and contributions quite enough. Being undervalued can happen far, far too often when you are a woman or native in tech.
If you want to know more about this author, you can quote her on this: "No amount of nVidia petrodollars could get me to go work for Apple, Salesforce, any of Facebook's Meta Platforms, Inc.. The {{computed Market Cap summation of NVDA + AAPL + META + CRM + RCL }} is atrociously excessive and wasteful, so much that it's spewing petrodollars of diesel fuels over the ocean (where there's nothing but the ocean to absorb the CO2) and boiling the ecosystems of the ocean -- 'twas a literal 87 degree Fahrenheit sea surface temps off Florida today.  Excessive luxury for "likes" on social media amid a climate crisis is not a good use of money."    
Thanks for reading (379 words).
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