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Internet So Slow, Even MACC Had to Buffer: The 1BestariNet Saga

*Alright folks, let’s talk about Malaysia’s “1BestariNet” – or as I like to call it, the Wi-Fi that couldn’t!*

So here’s the scoop: the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) just launched an investigation into YTL Communications, the folks behind the RM4.07 billion 1BestariNet project. Yeah, billion with a “B”. Now, you’d think for that kind of money, Malaysia would have internet so fast you could download your entire life in a minute. But nah – apparently, the only thing that came fast was the complaints!

This project was supposed to make internet access in schools super-efficient – you know, for the future of education. But instead, what the kids got was internet slower than your grandma trying to unlock her iPhone. The broadband was so bad, it made dial-up look like fiber optic! *Remember dial-up? Kids today wouldn’t survive that trauma.*

Now, the whole thing was supposed to last 15 years. But somewhere along the way, someone thought, “Hmm, let’s cut that down to seven years and six months – but keep the RM4 billion tag, obviously!” Because, hey, who needs accountability when you’ve got Wi-Fi that doesn’t work?

And even though this internet service was more “BestariNot,” YTL was still making claims to the Ministry of Education. It’s like ordering pizza, not getting the pizza, and still paying the delivery guy… who shows up late, of course.

Now, MACC is saying the government might have to pay YTL RM176 million, which is like a very expensive way of saying, “Oops, we messed up!” And there’s an extra RM10.8 million that’s been leaking away on telecommunication tower rentals since they pulled the plug in 2019. At this point, the government’s basically bleeding money, and all they got was a buffering screen.

But don’t worry, MACC is investigating with *full transparency* – which, if you’re familiar with these stories, is code for “This might take a while, so grab some popcorn!”

In conclusion: if you thought your internet was bad, at least it didn’t cost RM4 billion!
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