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Shiing-Shen Chern - If Possible Do Nothing

Whether it's mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, or any other subject, there is still a big gap between China and Western countries in the US. You must neither be arrogant, let alone be arrogant at night.The Fields Medal is considered youngmathsThe family's highest honor, and the Abel Award are both known asmathsNobel Prizes in the world. The prize was CA$15,000, or approximately $13,767. The prize for the Abel Prize is SEK 6 million, or about 1 million US dollars. The Nobel Prize (natural science), the Fields Prize, and the Abel Prize are currently recognized as a benchmark and indicator of the level of scientific research in the world.
Mathematics is a discipline that studies concepts and changes in quantity, structure, and space. It is a type of formal science. Using abstraction and logical reasoning, mathematics evolved from counting, calculating, measuring, and observing the shape and motion of objects. Mathematicians expand on these concepts to formulate new conjectures and rigorously deduce some theorems from selected axioms and definitions.
The knowledge and application of basic mathematics is an indispensable part of life. The refinement of basic mathematical concepts can be seen as early as ancient mathematical texts in the history of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, and ancient India, and were treated more strictly in ancient Greece. Since then, the development of mathematics has continued to advance slightly until the Renaissance in the 16th century, where new scientific discoveries and mathematical innovations interacted with each other, leading to an accelerated development of mathematics until today. Mathematics is also part of education in many countries and regions.
Mathematics has applications in many fields, including science, engineering, medicine, economics, and finance. The application of mathematics to these fields is commonly known as applied mathematics. Sometimes it also stimulates new mathematical discoveries and leads to the development of new disciplines. For example, certain theories established in the substantive development of physics stimulate mathematicians to think from different perspectives on certain problems. Mathematicians also study pure mathematics, which is the substantive content of mathematics itself, without aiming for any practical application. Although many studies began with pure mathematics, they also discovered many useful uses along the way.
Whenever there is a problem involving quantity, structure, space, and change, mathematics is usually needed to solve the problem, and this also often expands the field of mathematical research. In the beginning, the application of mathematics can be seen in trade, land surveying, and later in astronomy. Today, all science has problems worth studying by mathematicians, and mathematics itself has given many problems. Newton and Leibniz were the inventors of calculus, and Feynman invented the Feynman path integral, a product of both reasoning and physical insight, and today's string theory also introduced new mathematics. Some mathematics is only relevant to the field in which it was generated, and is used to answer more questions in this field. However, mathematics generally generated by one field is also very useful in many other fields, and can become a general mathematical concept. Even the “purest” mathematics usually has practical uses. This extraordinary fact was called “the unimaginable effectiveness of mathematics in natural science” by 1963 Nobel Prize winner Wigner.
Like most fields of study, the explosion of scientific knowledge has led to the specialization of mathematics. The main differences are pure mathematics and applied mathematics. Within applied mathematics, it was also divided into two major fields and became their own subjects — statistics and computer science.
Many mathematicians talk about the beauty of mathematics, its inherent aesthetics and beauty. “Simplicity” and “generalization” are types of beauty. They also include clever proofs, such as Euclid's proof that there are infinitely many prime numbers; or numerical methods that speed up computation, such as fast Fourier transforms. In his book “Confessions of a Mathematician,” Godefi Harold Hardy shows that he believes that aesthetic significance alone is enough to be a valid reason for mathematical research.
Most of the mathematical symbols we use today were only invented after the 16th century. Before that, mathematics was written in the form of words, and this form limited the development of mathematics. Today's symbols make math easier for experts to master, yet beginners often find it difficult. It's extremely compressed: a small number of symbols contains a large amount of information. Like musical notation, today's mathematical symbols have clear grammar and effectively encode messages, which is difficult to do with other writing methods. Symbolization and formalization have enabled mathematics to develop rapidly and help establish basic supporting theories in various fields of science.
The language of mathematics is also difficult for beginners. Words such as “or” and “only” have more accurate meanings than everyday terms. It also bothers beginners. The words “open” and “domain” have special meanings in mathematics. Mathematical terms also include terms such as “coembryonic” and “integrable”. But there's a reason for using these special symbols and proprietary terms: math requires more precision than everyday language. Mathematicians call this requirement for linguistic and logical accuracy “strict.” However, in real-world applications, abandoning some rigor will often yield better results.
Rigor is an important and fundamental part of mathematical proof. Mathematicians want their theorems to be deduced based on axioms using systematic reasoning. This is to avoid introducing false “theorems” based on unreliable intuitiveness, and there have been many examples of this situation in history. The degree of rigor expected in mathematics varies over time: the Greeks expected careful arguments, but in the time of Newton, the methods used were less strict. It wasn't until the 19th century that Newton's definition to solve the problem was treated again with careful analysis and formal proof. Today, mathematicians continue to argue about the severity of computer-assisted proofs. When a large number of calculations are difficult to verify, it is also difficult to say that the proof is sufficiently rigorous.
Axioms are “self-evident truths” in traditional thought, but this idea is problematic. Formally, an axiom is just a string of symbols; it only has meaning for the content of an equation that can be derived from the axiom system. Hilbert's plan wanted to base all mathematics on a solid axiom, but according to Godel's incomplete theorem, every axiomatic system compatible with and capable of containing Piano's axioms must contain an undetermined formula; therefore, the final axiomatization of all mathematics is impossible. Despite this, mathematics is often thought of as just some kind of axiomatic set theory; in this sense, any mathematical statement or proof can be written as a set theory formula.
Carl Friedrich Gauss called mathematics “the queen of science.” In the original Latin text Regina Scientiarum and its German word Königin der Wissenschaften, the word corresponding to “science” all means knowledge (field). However, in reality, the word science originally meant this in English, and there is no doubt that mathematics is indeed a “science” in this sense. Limiting science to natural science comes after that. If you think science refers only to the physical world, then mathematics, or at least pure mathematics, is not a science. Einstein once described it this way: “The more the laws of mathematics relate to reality, the more uncertain they are; the more certain they are, the less relevant they are to reality.” Many philosophers believe mathematics is empirically irrefutable, and is therefore not a science as defined by Carl Popper. However, in the 1930s, major advances in mathematical logic showed that mathematics could not be incorporated into logic, and Popper deduced that “most mathematical laws, like physics and biology, were deduced hypothetically: pure mathematics therefore became closer to natural science with hypotheses as a result, and closer than it seems now.” However, other thinkers, such as the more famous Lakatos, have provided a verifiable version of mathematics itself.
Another view is that some fields of science (such as theoretical physics) have the axiom of experimenting with realistic mathematics. In fact, theoretical physicist John Ziman (John Ziman) believes that science is public knowledge, so it also includes mathematics. In any case, many fields of mathematics and physical science have much in common, particularly the exploration of logical deductions derived from hypotheses. Intuition and experimentation play an important role in the construction of mathematical and scientific conjecture. The importance of experimental mathematics in mathematics continues to increase, and the role of calculation and simulation in science and mathematics is also increasing, mitigating the disadvantage that mathematics does not use scientific methods. In his 2002 book “A New Science,” Steven Wolfram proposed that computational mathematics should be viewed as one of its own scientific fields to be explored.
Mathematicians don't agree on this. Some mathematicians who study applied mathematics think they are scientists, while mathematicians who study pure mathematics often think they work in a field closer to logic, and are therefore essentially philosophers. Many mathematicians think that calling their work a science underestimated its aesthetic importance and its history as one of the seven major liberal arts educations; others think that ignoring its connection with science pretends not to see mathematics and its interactive influence between science and engineering, thereby promoting the development of mathematics in many sciences. The difference between these two views has led to philosophical disputes over whether mathematics is “created” (as art) or “discovered” (as science). The “Department of Science and Mathematics” is commonly used in the division of university departments, which indicates that these two fields are viewed as closely linked and not the same. In reality, mathematicians usually collaborate with scientists in general, but separate in the details. This controversy is also one of many topics in the philosophy of mathematics.
As mentioned above, the main subject of mathematics first arises from the need for commercial computation, understanding relationships between numbers, measuring land, and predicting astronomical events. These four types of needs are broadly linked to a wide range of mathematical subfields such as quantity, structure, space, and change (i.e. arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and analysis). In addition to these main concerns, it is also useful for exploring the subfields of links from the core of mathematics to other fields: from logic, to set theory (basic), to empirical mathematics of different sciences (applied mathematics), and more modern, to rigorous research on uncertainty.
In order to clarify the foundations of mathematics, fields such as mathematical logic and set theory have been developed. Mathematical logic focuses on placing mathematics on a solid axiomatic architecture and studying the results of this architecture. As far as mathematical logic itself is concerned, it is the field to which Gödel's Second Incomplete Theorem belongs, and this is probably the most widely spread result in logic: there are always real propositions that cannot be proven.
Modern logic is divided into recursion theory, model theory, and proof theory, and is closely related to theoretical computer science. The P/NP problem in the Millennium Awards puzzle is a famous problem in theoretical computer science.
Mathematical logic focuses on placing mathematics on a solid axiomatic architecture and studying the results of this architecture. As far as mathematical logic itself is concerned, it is the field to which Gödel's Second Incomplete Theorem belongs, and this is probably the most widely spread result in logic: there are always real propositions that cannot be proven.
pure math
Quantitative research begins with numbers, beginning with familiar natural numbers and integers and arithmetic operations with natural numbers and integers described in arithmetic. The deeper nature of integers is studied in detail in number theory. This theory includes famous results such as Fermat's Last Theorem. Number theory also includes two widely discussed unsolved problems: the twin prime number conjecture and the Goldbach conjecture.
When the number system is further developed, integers are treated as a subset of rational numbers, while rational numbers are included in real numbers, and continuous quantities are represented by real numbers. Real numbers can be further generalized into complex numbers. Further generalization of numbers can continue to include quaternions and octagon numbers. It can also be extended from natural numbers to excessive numbers; it formalizes the concept of counting to infinity. Another area of research is size, which led to cardinality and later another concept of infinity: the Aleph number, which allows meaningful comparisons of sizes between infinite sets.
Many mathematical objects, such as sets of numbers and functions, have embedded structures. The structural properties of these objects are discussed in abstract systems such as groups, rings, and domains; in fact, these objects are also such systems. This is the field of algebra. There is a very important concept here, that is, vectors generalized to vector space, which are studied in linear algebra. The study of vectors combines the three basic fields of mathematics: quantity, structure, and space. Vector analysis extends this to the fourth basic field, change.
The Bourbacian School in France, founded in the 1930s, believes that pure mathematics is a theory that studies abstract structures. Structure is a deductive system based on initial concepts and axioms. According to the Bourbaki school, there are three basic abstract structures: algebraic structure (group, ring, domain...), ordinal structure (partial order, total order...), topological structure (neighborhood, limit, connectivity, dimensions...).
The study of space stems from geometry — particularly Euclidean geometry. Trigonometry combines space and numbers, and includes the famous Pythagorean theorem. Today, space research has spread to higher-dimensional geometry, non-Euclidean geometry (which plays a central role in general relativity), and topology. Numbers and space play important roles in analytical geometry, differential geometry, and algebraic geometry. In differential geometry, there are concepts such as calculus in fiber clusters and manifolds. In algebraic geometry, there are descriptions of geometric objects such as solution sets of polynomial equations, combining the concepts of number and space; there is also research on topological groups, which combines structure and space. Li Qun was used to study space, structure, and change. Among its many branches, topology is probably the most advanced field in 20th century mathematics, and includes the long-standing Pomgaray conjecture and the controversial four-color theorem. The Pomgaray conjecture was confirmed by Russian mathematician Grigory Perelman in 2006, while the four-color theorem was proven by Keynes Appel and Wolfgang Hacken on computers in 1976, and has never been verified by humans.
Understanding and describing change is a common topic in natural science, and calculus is a useful tool for studying change. Functions were born here as the core concept for describing a quantity of change. Strict research on real numbers and real variable functions is real analysis, while complex analysis is an equivalent field for complex numbers. The Riemann conjecture — one of the most basic unsolved problems in mathematics — is described by complex analysis. Functional analysis focuses on the (generally infinite-dimensional) space of a function. One of the many applications of functional analysis is quantum mechanics. Many problems naturally derive the relationship between a quantity and its rate of change, and this is studied in differential equations. Many phenomena in nature can be described by dynamical systems; chaos theory clearly describes the unpredictable and deterministic behavior of a system.
Discrete mathematics is a general term for the field of mathematics most useful for theoretical computer science. This includes computability theory, computational complexity theory, and information theory. Computational theory tests the limits of different theoretical models of computers, including the most powerful model currently known - the Turing machine. Complexity theory research can be done by computers to the extent that it is easier to handle; even though the theory can be solved by a computer, it is still not actually possible to solve some problems because it takes too much time or space, despite the rapid progress of computer hardware. Finally, information theory focuses on the total amount of data that can be stored in a specific medium, and therefore has concepts such as compression and entropy.
As a relatively new field, discrete mathematics has many basic unsolved problems. The most famous of these is the P/NP problem — one of the Millennium Awards problems. It is generally believed that the answer to this question is no.
Applied mathematical thinking uses abstract mathematical tools to solve real-world problems in science, business, and other fields. An important field in applied mathematics is statistics, which uses probability theory as its tool and allows the description, analysis, and prediction of phenomena with an opportunistic component. Most experiments, surveys, and observational studies require statistical analysis of their data. (Many statisticians don't think of them as mathematicians, but rather as part of a cooperative group.) Numerical analysis studies what calculation methods can effectively solve mathematical problems that cannot be calculated due to limited manpower; it also includes research on rounding errors or errors from other sources in calculation.
Mathematics awards are usually separate from other scientific awards. The most famous prize in mathematics is the Fields Medal. It was founded in 1936 and is awarded every four years. It is generally regarded as the Nobel Prize in mathematics. Another major international award is the Abel Prize, founded in 2003. Both award specific work topics, including innovation in new fields of mathematics or answers to unsolved problems in mature fields. The famous 23 problems, called Hilbert's 23, were proposed by German mathematician David Hilbert in 1900. This series of questions is very famous among mathematicians, and at least nine questions have already been answered. Another new seven important questions, called the Millennium Awards Puzzle, was published in 2000. Each question was answered with a prize of 1 million dollars, and only one question (Riemann's conjecture) was a duplicate of Hilbert's question.
The Fields Medal is an award given by the International Mathematicians Congress of the International Mathematical Union. Prizes are given every four years to young mathematicians who have made outstanding contributions, with a maximum of four winners each time. Winners must be under 40 before New Year's Day of that year, which is the biggest award a young mathematician can receive. It was established at the request of Canadian mathematician John Charles Fields. The Fields Prize is regarded as a Nobel Prize in mathematics.
The Wolf Prize is awarded by the Wolf Foundation, which was founded in Israel in 1976 and began awarding awards in 1978. Its founder, Ricardo Wolf, is a diplomat, businessman, and philanthropist. The Wolf Prize in Mathematics is an award of the Wolf Prize, and together with the Fields Medal, it is hailed as the highest honor for mathematicians.
The Abel Prize is an award given by the Norwegian royal family to outstanding mathematicians. It is awarded once a year. In 2001, to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of the famous Norwegian mathematician Niels Henrik Abel in 2002, the Norwegian government announced that it would begin awarding such bonuses. The amount of prize money is roughly similar to a Nobel Prize. One reason this award was established is also because Nobel Prizes do not have mathematics awards. In 2001, the Norwegian Government allocated 0.2 billion Norwegian kroner as start-up capital. Expanding the influence of mathematics and attracting young people to engage in mathematical research is the main purpose of establishing the Abel Prize.
Shiing-Shen Chern - If Possible Do Nothing
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Shiing-Shen Chern - If Possible Do Nothing
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“My small contribution”
Qiu Chengtong said that Chen Shengshen's main job was done when he was in his 30s.
“Chen Shengshen has published many mathematical papers. Two of them attracted the most attention: one is the proof of the meaning behind the 'Gauss-Bonnet Formula' and Chen Ke's proposal, which pioneered a new era of overall differential geometry; the other is Chen Shengshen-Simmons theory, which later became a hot topic of research at the turn of the century.” Zhang Dianzhou, professor of mathematics at East China Normal University, wrote in his newly published “The Biography of Chen Sheng”.
In 1943, Chen Shengshen arrived at the Princeton Institute of Advanced Studies, where he completed the proof of the implications of the “Gauss-Bonnet Formula,” which he cited as his greatest masterpiece in his life, and another immortal job: constructing Chen Shengshen's exemplary class. Precisely because of Chen Shengshen's outstanding work, the great mathematician Hopf wrote in the “Mathematical Review” in 1946: “Differential Geometry has entered a new era.”
As a result, a Chinese person has gained a firm foothold in the international scientific community. Qiu Chengtong commented, “Mr. Chen was the first Chinese to occupy an important position in modern science, earlier than Yang Zhenning.” Zhang Dianzhou also told the reporter, “Chen Shengshen pioneered a new discipline of overall differential geometry, and its influence extended to mathematics as a whole. Chen Shengshen should be the first person to make such a significant scientific contribution in contemporary China.”
Yang Zhenning once said, “The most important contribution of my life was to help change the psychological impact of Chinese people feeling that they are inferior to others.” And Chen Shengshen shared the same sentiment: “My small contribution helped build the scientific self-confidence of the Chinese people.”
Chen Shengshen-Simmons theory is the result of Chen Shengshen's collaboration with Simmons James Simons when he was 63 years old. This is probably proof that he has maintained his vigorous creativity. Later, Simmons left the math world, switched to business, and became a big boss in control of multi-billion dollar funds. In the spring of 2003, Simmons rented a private charter flight and made a special flight from the US to China to visit Chen Shengshen.
Revival geometry
After World War II, many people thought differential geometry was “dead.”
In the summer of 1949, Chen Shengshen was invited by Marshall Stone (Marshall Stone), head of the Department of Mathematics at the University of Chicago, to become a full professor of geometry at the university. During his ten years in Chicago, Chen gathered around him a large group of excellent students, including Isadore Singer (Isadore Singer), who later became a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The Atia-Singh index theorem proposed by Singh and Atiyah is famous in the scientific community. As a result, the two shared the Abell Prize of about 0.7 million euros this year.
Singh once recalled in an article celebrating Chen Shengshen's 80th birthday, “Under Chen Shengshen's influence, many books have been published, and the subject has prospered. I don't need to emphasize the well-known fact here: Chen Shengshen introduced a wide range of differential geometry to American mathematics... For half a century, it was Chen Shengshen who told us how to do differential geometry.”
In fact, Chen Shengshen's influence is not limited to the US. Atiya said, “Chen Shengshen played a critical role in the development of modern geometry.”
Three directors
Chen Shengshen has been a director three times, one of which was an “acting” director.
In 1947, Jiang Lifu, his teacher in Nankai, recommended Chen Shengshen as the director of the newly established Institute of Mathematics of the Central Research Institute. Chen Shengshen couldn't get away with his reasoning; he had no choice but to “act as an agent.” In April 1949, Nanjing was liberated, and the activities of the Institute of Mathematics of the Chinese Research Institute in mainland China came to an end, but many of his disciples, including Wu Wenjun, later became the backbone of Chinese mathematics.
In 1982, thanks to the joint efforts of Chen Shengshen and his colleagues at the University of California at Berkeley, Singh and Moore Calvin Moore, the university secured funding from the US National Science Foundation to establish the American Institute of Mathematics, with Chen Shengshen as its first director. Regarding how to manage the Institute of Mathematics, Chen Shengfen has an explanation that is still very useful to read today: “The most important thing about running this school is to find competent mathematicians, and let them do it themselves... Now if you want government funding or funding from the government, you need your plan at every turn, but what you can do based on the plan is probably not the most valuable. So it's best not to have a plan, but there's no way to explain this clearly to the money manager.”
Currently, the American Institute of Mathematics is being expanded, and the main building will be named “Chen Shengshen Building.” The current director, David Eisenbud (David Eisenbud), had long hoped to invite Chen Shengshen during the opening, and Chen Shengshen also said he really wanted to go there.
When Chen took up his first position as director at Berkeley, he stated that he would only serve one term because he thought of Nankai and China. Together with Hu Guoding and others, he founded the Nankai University School of Mathematics. Since Chen Shengshen joined the US in 1961, when he was appointed director of the Nankai Institute of Mathematics in September 1984, he was specially approved by the specially formed “Central Committee Leading Group for the Introduction of Foreign Talents”.
Gastronomic math
Chen Shengshen likes to work with others. Atia said, “He has collaborated with many excellent mathematicians such as Bot Raoul Bott, Griffith, and Moser J.K. Moser.” These collaborations are also often linked to “eating.” According to “The Biography of Chen Sheng”, Chen Shengshen is a foodie and likes to entertain guests and talk about academics in restaurants. In 1991, in a collection of essays celebrating the 80th birthday of Chen Shengshen, written by Qiu Chengtong and others, many congratulatory articles mentioned “eating.” It seems that math was done in a restaurant.
Griffiths is one of those who has enjoyed the delicious Chinese cuisine that Chen Shengshen has kindly treated many times. Griffiths recalled that in the summer of 1961, when he was a graduate student at Princeton, his mentor asked him to go to Berkeley. As soon as he arrived there, Chen Shengshen invited him to lunch. Since then, Griffith began a long-standing friendship with Chen Shengshen and the Chinese scientific community. He told reporters, “Under Mr. Chen's advice, I spent two years intermittently in China between 1980 and 1982 to help build an early scientific bridge between China and the US.” In 2002, Griffiths, who was the Secretary General of the International Mathematical Union, was also happy to see that the International Mathematicians' Conference was held for the first time in a developing country, China.
“Chen Shengshen was always happy to help young people until the last moment of his life.” Atiya said. As early as 1956, Atia was invited by Chen Shengshen to work as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Chicago. In 1996, the University of California, Berkeley established the “Chen Shengshen Visiting Professor” program to invite top mathematicians to Berkeley for a year. The first one invited was Atia. Originally, Atiya was looking forward to coming back to China when the Nankai International Mathematics Center was completed, and everyone would celebrate Chen Shengshen's contributions. Today, he only misses the days of having breakfast with Chen Sheng in Ningyuan of Nankai University in September 2003.
Funding for the “Visiting Professor Chen Shengshen” program comes from Robert Uomini, a student of Chen Shengshen. In the 1960s, Uminy was an undergraduate in Berkeley. He took Chen Shengshen's differential geometry course, and Chen Shengshen encouraged him. Later, Umini went to graduate school and obtained her doctorate in 1976. Twenty years later, Uminy, a consultant for a company, won the $22 million jackpot. He decided to donate 1 million dollars to Berkeley to express his gratitude to Chen Shengshen. In February of this year, Umini also announced additional donations to permanently establish the “Chen Shengshen Visiting Professor Chair”.
Unfulfilled wishes
Over the years, Chen Sheng has done many things for Chinese mathematics, including selecting young people to study in the US, promoting the establishment of the Tianyuan Mathematical Fund, and promoting the hosting of the 2002 International Mathematicians' Conference.
In 1988, at the “21st Century Mathematics Outlook Seminar” held at Nankai University, Chen Shengshen's initiative to build a “21st Century Mathematical Power” was called “Chen Shengshen's Conjecture” by Li Tieying, who attended the conference. Today, thanks to the efforts of Chen Shengshen and many others, Chinese mathematics has come out of the low tide that occurred after Chen Jingrun's generation of mathematicians. The strength of Chinese mathematics has been comprehensively improved, and the “Chen Shengshen conjecture” has basically come true. However, China is still quite far from being a “21st century math powerhouse.” In Zhang Dianzhou's view, this can be described as a “Chen Sheng's dream.”
Furthermore, Zhang Dianzhou said, “Mr. Chen is like a lofty god. Everyone respects him very much, but maybe the distance is too far, and some of his thoughts have not been fully realized.”
For example, Chen Shengshen believes that countries around the world are currently doing very little on math topics. Its main idea was developed by the Chinese, and now with a large manpower investment, it is possible to soon do world-leading jobs in mainland China. A topic that is currently not being favored and doesn't seem to be mainstream yet; it may be mainstream in the future. However, his appeal was not widely responded to for a while. Some people felt that Finsler Geometry lacked an actual background, making it difficult to determine its future; others felt that it was not fashionable enough to gain the attention and recognition of others. In the last two years, the situation has finally begun to change, and a group of young people are investing in Finsler's geometry research. Furthermore, Chen Shengshen also hopes that more people will study external differential equations. Of course, Zhang Dianzhou said that the future of Finsler's geometry and external differential equations will have to be determined by time.
It's not just the Chinese math community that is worried about Chen Sheng. For example, Qiu Chengtong mentioned that some domestic schools invited overseas scholars to work for a short period of time, but when promoting it to the outside world, they treated it as long-term work. “Mr. Chen doesn't agree with this kind of bragging; he thinks it's bad that there are no talents to work at home.”
“Olga Ricca Chen”
In June of this year, Chen Shengshen won the 1 million dollar Shaw Prize in Mathematics. International judges, including Griffith, commented: “Chen Shengshen is a master of modern geometry. His mathematical research centered on geometry and continued for almost 70 years, outlining various fields of modern mathematics. His definition of differential geometry, which is one of the essentials of modern mathematics, surpassed that of any other mathematician... Today, Chen Sheng is full of talents, and his disciples are spread all over the world, and his influence in China is even more obvious to all.”
In a five-word poem praising Chen Shengshen, Yang Zhenning said “Ou Gao Lijia Chen,” comparing Chen Shengshen to Euclid, Gauss, Riemann, and Chen Shengshen's mentor Jia Dang, several landmark figures in the history of human geometry. Zhang Dianzhou said that this is just a poem, but describing Chen Shengshen as a leader in 20th century geometry has been recognized.
Qiu Chengtong also said that Chen Shengshen's influence on science is really difficult to describe in a few words. From December 17 to 22, 2004, the 3rd World Congress of Chinese Mathematicians will be held in Hong Kong. He will remember and evaluate teacher Chen Shengshen in such an academic setting.
In 1979, when Chen Shengshen retired from the University of California at Berkeley, the school held a 5-day international conference on differential geometry. More than 300 mathematicians from all over the world praised his mathematical achievements
Tribute to Chen Shengshen! A great man of mathematics!
He made the Gauss-Bonnet formula a household name.
He discovered the proof of what was implied,
His truth spread all over the world,
He gave us the old stuff,
There is also a second invariant,
fibrous plexuses and layers,
Distribution and leaf shape!
Let's all cheer and pay tribute to Chen Shengshen!
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