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102315873 Private ID: 102315873
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    I am just joining this discussion for the points and need to post at least thirty words. Testing if they actually read this stuff. Just a few more words to reach the minimum count.
    $Grab Holdings(GRAB.US)$ Can you imagine the CEO of a company which just lost 3.55 billion in one year describing it as the "most incredible year ever"? Yeah, that just happened with Grab. If this performance is "incredible" to him, I shudder to think what he thinks a "pretty good" or "average" year looks like.
    $Grab Holdings(GRAB.US)$ As I have always been saying since IPO, the business model for this company doesn't make sense. They will never make a single cent. Worse, it seems that management refuses to even acknowledge thier business model is flawed, and insists on digging a deeper hole for themselves.
    $Grab Holdings(GRAB.US)$ The end goal of any company is to eventually earn more money than you put in. Grab's strategy to do so since 2012 has failed so far, and they do not seem to have any coherent plan to achieve it. The intent was to haemorrhage money investing aggressively in customer growth, until it becomes so dominant that it could force out its competitors. Unfortunately that didn't seem to have worked out. The competition in all operating sectors is stronger than ever before, and most ...
    $Grab Holdings(GRAB.US)$ Don't forget there are still a huge chunk of shares held by early backers just waiting for the lock up period to expire in a few months time to be sold. This might just break the record for fastest delisting from the NASDAQ.
    $Grab Holdings(GRAB.US)$ What a joke. Barely two months in and already down 60% from IPO price. Better to risk your money in a casino rather than buy this stock.
    $Grab Holdings(GRAB.US)$ IPO opening price was $13.06. It has fallen almost 60% in little over a month, and is likely to fall still further given the prevailing market sentiment and terrible Q4 results.
    $Grab Holdings(GRAB.US)$ Performance has been nothing short of catastrophic since IPO. What's worse is that there are still a large number of shares held by early backers which are currently "locked-up", essentially the holders are not allowed to sell those shares for a certain period of time. When this lock-up period expires the selling pressure will be even greater.
    $Grab Holdings(GRAB.US)$ A house built on sand cannot stand in the face of floods, winds, and rain. Likewise a company built on an unsustainable business model cannot stand when faced with the scrutiny of the investing public.