中央网信办印发《关于进一步加强娱乐明星网上信息规范相关工作的通知》要求,严把娱乐明星网上信息内容导向,加强正面引导,建立负面清单。 加强对明星、经纪公司(工作室)、粉丝团(后援会)、娱乐类公众账号、MCN机构等账号和主体的管理,从源头上规范娱乐明星网上信息。 China's central internet watchdog issues notice for enhancing the regulations on entertainment celebrities-related information, including setting up a negative list to ban gossip hype. $微博 (WB.US)$ $影视传媒 (LIST0651.SH)$
China's central internet watchdog issues notice for enhancing the regulations on entertainment celebrities-related information, including setting up a negative list to ban gossip hype.
$微博 (WB.US)$
$影视传媒 (LIST0651.SH)$