奶粉概念龍頭股票早盤紛紛下跌,昨日新華社發文《專家提醒警惕配方奶粉營銷影響母乳餵養》,提及加強對母乳代用品營銷行爲的規範。飛鶴奶粉一度跌9%,雅士利一度跌6.56%,蒙牛和西部牧業跌約4%。 Shares of formula milk powder slide at open following the article of state media's criticism on the marketing of formula milk powder. China Feihe Limited -9.12% Yashili International -6.56% China Mengniu Dairy -4% Xinjiang Western Animal Husbandry -3% $雅士利國際 (01230.HK)$ $中國飛鶴 (06186.HK)$ $西部牧業 (300106.SZ)$ $蒙牛乳業 (02319.HK)$
Shares of formula milk powder slide at open following the article of state media's criticism on the marketing of formula milk powder.
China Feihe Limited -9.12%
Yashili International -6.56%
China Mengniu Dairy -4%
Xinjiang Western Animal Husbandry -3%
$雅士利國際 (01230.HK)$
$中國飛鶴 (06186.HK)$
$西部牧業 (300106.SZ)$
$蒙牛乳業 (02319.HK)$