Rusty Shackleford 1 : If it gets canceled, that would almost be worse for AMC. They need all of the money they can get their hands on
Peanny 樓主 Rusty Shackleford 1 : If if was a fifth of Gin, we all would be drunk.
Peanny 樓主 Rusty Shackleford 1 : Not true Rusty. What’s worse is the corruption and illegal manipulation of AMC and other stocks that is allowed by the so called governing agencies and ignorant statements like you just wrote.
Rusty Shackleford 1 : Lol .05%
Dannyrb : 停止購買看跌期權,您就不會再虧錢了!
Stock_Drift : $AMC院線 (AMC.US)$
MindOverMatter 樓主 Stock_Drift : 看那些粒粒
LittleSoldier : 我想讀完整篇文章,你在哪找到的?不得不說,是時候了!
Arue Perry : 是的,據悉美國司法部(DOJ)已傳喚了多家對沖基金和研究機構,如Muddy Waters和Citron Research,在這一全面調查中。檢察官正在調查是否有做空者通過操縱市場以不公平的方式影響股價從中獲利。
ACDC : 終於到時間了!!!
股海龙王 : 空頭現在正接受聯邦調查,涉嫌勾結
Arue Perry LittleSoldier : 空頭現在正接受聯邦調查,涉嫌勾結
Jiahong Weng : 是的,它們甚至在上漲200%後都沒有稀釋,AA的稀釋在5%的時間內
CoolJey : HODL
ur wifes boyfriend : 他們確實進行了出售,並且持有的SI%高於Amc。Amc之所以沒有利潤是因爲債務。我不明白爲什麼Amc當時要承擔如此多債務,但這是股價持續下跌的最後一年
Piggy Bank Trader 樓主 ur wifes boyfriend : 5年的虧損,接下來的一年保持平穩,這算是一種勝利,甚至可以相提並論嗎?SOUN擁有24000萬的合同待履行。
Piggy Bank Trader 樓主 ur wifes boyfriend : 此外,AMC要擺脫債務,必須稀釋他們13000萬股中的最後一部分,而這隻能償還一小部分。AMC已經涼了
KING KONG AMC 樓主 : 你最好趕緊跑!
Rusty Shackleford 1 : If it gets canceled, that would almost be worse for AMC. They need all of the money they can get their hands on
Peanny 樓主 Rusty Shackleford 1 : If if was a fifth of Gin, we all would be drunk.
Peanny 樓主 Rusty Shackleford 1 : Not true Rusty. What’s worse is the corruption and illegal manipulation of AMC and other stocks that is allowed by the so called governing agencies and ignorant statements like you just wrote.